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Question: Any good werewolf book!?
I just finished the Twilight series and I'm about the read The vampire kiss by Cynthia Eden but after that I have nothing good to read!. And I realied I never read a werewolf book other than blood and chocolate!. Anyone know any good ones!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Moon Called!! I forgot who wrote it, but if you just search it on amazon!.com or something you'll find it :) It's reallllly good and it has vampires and witches and shape shifters and werewolves in it!. Wow what a long sentance >!.<

LONG LIVE TWILIGHT ^!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Wereling Series by Stephen Cole was really intresting and I liked it a lot!. Another one of my favorite vampire series is Cirque du Freak!.