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Question: How rich is Stephenie Meyer!?
The Twilight books have been sold in more than eight million copies with 20 translations, that's have I read in the Wikipeida article!. also there is this upcoming film!. So do you think that Stephenie Meyer is a millionaire (though of course she is not as rich as JK Rowling)!.
How much do you think might be her royalty rate!? Do you think she's a millionaire and if she is why hasn't any newspapers reported that!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stephenie sold the first three Twilight books for an advance of $750,000---that does not include residual royalties!.

The Host sold at auction for $600,000--again not counting residual royalties!.

I don't know what Breaking Dawn or the movie deal were worth, but do know that she is "a millionaire many times over" (Entertainment Weekly interview)!. So, yes, the press has reported this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg wow, she must be a millionaire, i mean twilight has become unbelievably popular, at the local library there are 30 copies avliable of just twilight!.!.!.!.and why hasnt the newspaper reported it!.!.!.im not sure!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL No i don't think she's a millionaire, but i do think she's kind of close to being one!.!. truthfully i dont know Www@QuestionHome@Com