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Question: Fanfiction helppppp!?!?
Hey, okay so im writing a book!.!. and i want to put parts ofit on fanfiction to get peoples opinions!.!. now i havce an account and i uploaded one document to the editing thing!.!. but im so confused and i have no iddea how to get it so peoiple are able to read it and such!.!. help!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go to Login - - > Stories - - > New Story!.
It'll guide you from there!.

However, if it's your own original story, go to http://www!.fictionpress!.com/ instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fanfiction is really for stories based on other authors' stories (books, movies, tv shows, graphic novels, etc!.)!. you probably shouldn't post original work there!. i think there are other sites for that!.

however, if you do want to post there:

write your piece (using word is best) & save it!.
log into your account!.
go to "documents" & then give your story a label!.
keep the format "story" as opposed to "docx!."
hit the "browse" box & find your piece & hit "submit document!."
at the top, click on edit/preview & make any changes!.
click "save changes!."
do this as many times as it takes to make everything the way you want it!.
to to "stories!."
click "new story," select the one you uploaded & enter the details (summary, title, etc)
click "create story!."
there you go!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it's an original work of yours and isn't related to any previously published or copyrighted musical, tv show, movie, or book, don't put it on fanfiction!.

Go to the sister site fictionpress!.com!.

On your profile, click Stories, select new story, enter all the information, and select one of the document's that you've uploaded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry i don't know how to do that!.!.!. but i don't post anyy of my writing online, i would lovee to do that to get feedback from other people and stuff , but that reallyy isn't safe!. the internet is public to everyone, meaning anyone can go there and steal your story idea and possibly publish it as them being the author!. stuff like that does happen!.!.!. so just be safeWww@QuestionHome@Com