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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Beowulf please help. very very urgent.

Question: Beowulf please help!. very very urgent!.
I read the epic, and loved it!. I want to watch the movie!. My notes were thrown away!. I still have the cliff notes but they don't help that much!. I need to know the book for school!. I think I know it!.

If I watch the movie will it mess me up!. Should I watch it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I did Beowulf at university and actually, watch the movie!. It is astonishingly accurate to the poem and gives a very good interpretation on his actions!. Listening to Grendal's son speaking in Old English is especially pleasing and surprising!. The film does cut out chungs of the poem, but its mostly the strange and not really essential side stories!.

My advice, watch it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you should read the book first!.
Look, you only have one time to read the book!.
You have all the time in the world to watch the movie!.
Unless you wanna watch the movie and see it with surprises and it'd be much funner,
or if you read the book you'd go to the movie and it'll only detail out what happened more not including stuff that wasn't in the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought the movie sucked!. I thought he was this great, noble hero and then he goes and cheats on his wife! GRRRR!. I don't know how the epic goes though, I'm sorry!. But it shouldn't be that different!. (actually I take that back, Disney contorted Hercules into a honorable god that falls in love and does great things for the good of the land when actually he was selfish and he killed his Wife and kids!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

read it first
then watch the movie
I think the movie isn't bad, the picture is good
and it taught me that everyone, even a big person like beowulf has something that can let him down
he's not as strong as I seemWww@QuestionHome@Com