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Question: Are The Twilight Books for girls!?
Im just asking!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!. that can be debatable!. The speaker is a girl, and she is defiantly a little lovey-dovey and feminine!.
But, then again, this story has great action!. And its not like the girl is doing, "like, OMG my nail is brokeded!:"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, it's just coz the main charcter's a girl, and it's about the deep love she feels for her vampire boyfriend!.
Go for it, girls read HP, and Eragon etc, and they're mainly from a guys POV!. No difference!. If u wanna read it, read it!. I personally LOVE them!.

I've yet to meet a guy who's read it and would thoroughly love to!.
To hear it from a male perspective would be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both, I'd say!. I'm a 13 year old FEMALE (hehehe), and I LOVED it!! Still do! Edward is my dream boy and if you read it and learn from him you can get any girl you wanted, no kidding!! I try to get my guy BFFs to read it all the time but they wont!. must be a laziness thing!. But whatever- you should read it!! As long as youre not butt ugly, have a giant zit on yoru forhead and are 2 feet tall (no offence, tiny peeps- i was exaggerating) then- i knwo it wasnt your intention, probably- but you would be just like edward!! Read the books 2 understand! And talk to me- im bored- not like that like thats the only reason i wanna talk but yeah!.!.!. sorry, you get my point!? (awesome picture, btw ;) )Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I've meet guys that read the twilight books!. They just didnt get at deep into them as the girls!. I guess that because the book it through a girls eyes it makes it seem like a girlish book but not really!. It just depends on what type of books you like really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not necessarily!. mostly girls read it because the romance in it between the two!. many guys read it as well!. it isn't really a girl's book!. i encourage you to read it!. i think it is a great book and many many guys who read it enjoy it as much as the female readers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's for girls, yes, but boys can read it too!. there's nothing inherently wrong with reading it if you're a boy!. there's a ton of romance in it though, so i don't know how you feel about that, but it's fine if you read it!.


no its not!. Its for anyone who believes in true love and loves vampires!. There are bunch of guys reading it!.!.!.THEY ARE SENIORS! so its not bad!. I LOVE IT!. Who cares what people think if you wanna read it go a head its amazing!. You will love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a romance between a teenage girl and a vampire!. What do you think!? I'm female and the whole idea of it is just mushy overdramatic crap!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think girls tend to gravitate towards them more because they have so much romance in them!. I wouldn't say they're JUST for girls though; I know plenty of guys that read them!. Honestly, I think any avid reader would enjoy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are some of the greatest books I've read!. Though, I am the only boy I know that's read them!.!.!. and I know at least twenty girls who've read them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't say so!.!.!. I live with 3 step-brothers and they've all read them, it appeals to girls because its romance but theres lots of action in it aswell :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are for just about anyone!. I've heard about all kind of age ranges and I've heard about all kind or boys who've read it and loved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're more girlie because they're written from a girls point of view, but guys can read it!. No body's stopping you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the book is mostly aimed at 13 yr old girls, but every one i know (girl and guys) hav luved the book!. im sure that u'd enjoyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It appeals mostly to females, yes!. Because it is a romance book!. But it can appeal males too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah pretty much but guys read it too and that's totally fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i read thoseWww@QuestionHome@Com