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Question: Writing a story with lots of conversation
If I started to write a story and I was in the middle of a paragraph and someone started to speak would I start a whole new paragraph!? For example:

An old woman about seventy but in good shape for someone her age comes to the door!. “Sorry dears, I was on the phone with my nephew Rob!."

Would I indent and start a new paragraph after door!?
Thanks so much for any answers!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. anytime you have someone talking you start a new paragraph!. If you just want to make sure, look at any book you have!. You will see that they are all indented!.

best of luck with your writing! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes because conversations are their own paragraph's Www@QuestionHome@Com



