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Question: Who loves TWILIGHT!? and the
I KNOW I DO =]!. I just finished the first one and I feel in love with the book!. I kinda cheated my way and read the ending of book 4 and it was what i hoped for!.!.!.I think!.!.!.I didn't wanna kill everything lol!. Are you guys going to watch the movie!? I don't think I'm!. I'm not sure if its going to be as good as the book!. =D=D=D=D=D=D=D=DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a die hard twilight fan, but i wont be going to see the movie!. I mean book based movies are always screwed up! They never get anything right!. And my view of twilight would been screwed up too! And then everytime I read the book instead of seeing dreamy Edward Cullen Id be seeing Cedric Diggory the wizard!.

Oh and also the casting choice for Bella was completely wrong and Kristin Stewart is not good enough for the role!. XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA!. I'm not sure why everyone is dissing Breaking Dawn though!. That book made everything come to a wonderful ending!. The one everyone was hoping for!. You should really see the movie too!. Hello have you seen the guy playing Edward!. Hes a Hottie!. lol!. But really i ADORE the twilight series!. That includes Breaking Dawn, to all you people who hate it!. Which i don't understand still!. But yes i truly do LOVE the twilight books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know exactly how you feel!. I finished Twilight two days ago and I just finished New Moon and hour ago! Now I have to go back to Borders and buy Eclipse tomorrow!. The cashier is going to laugh at me! It's the same person every single time I'm in there! I am so going to see the movie with my friends in December!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i LOVE all SM's books!.

like seriously
after i read twilight
i actually liked
reading books again!.

and i cannot wait for the movie:]:]:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

never read it [heard of it of course -so damn popular!] but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea, sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

SEE THE MOVIE! It's going to be hot!.

Because Rob Pattinson is in it!.!.!.


Breaking Dawn should have never existed!.!.!.
But, I love the first 3 books!. :D Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it!.!.!.until I read breaking dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com