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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can anyone come up with a good name?

Question: Can anyone come up with a good name!?
I need a name for a male character in an occult story i'm writing!. It's set in a time where there are lords and ladies, but not in our world, its kind of a fantasy world!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had a friend who chose a character's name from a bottle of cologne!. (Ironically, the cologne was Aramis, which was the name of a character in The Three Musketeers!.)

Another way to come up with a name is to use a dictionary!. Look up a few words that describe your character, then find out the etymology of the word!. Use a variation of the Greek, Latin, etc!. base of the word!. For example, say your character is a big hairy guy!. You could name him Khaeren, or Haar, or Serys!. http://www!.etymonline!.com/index!.php!?term!.!.!.

You don't even have to use the "right" word - you might follow a link and see another word that appeals to you!. For example, if you searched for the etymology of the word "noble" you'd find a link to the word "know", where you'd see the words Witan and Konnen, both of which might make good names!.

Here's an online etymology dictionary:

<List of possibles>


Erdit Creshendo (pulled that one from thin air)Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol mikey and how about!.!.!. Theodor Www@QuestionHome@Com