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Question: Vampire Info That You Know
So me and my friend what to write a vampire story but we don't know what kind of facts to use!. We have read the Twilight series so we don't want to go down that road and use her ideas!. For example we don't want sparkly crap when they go in the sun but we also don't want them to turn into dust!. We aren't tough on the fang thing either but like the idea a bit!. Sam goes for the eyes we don't want like gold eyes or watever!. So if you can come up with some new facts or make your own up that would be amazing, it would also help if you had some powers to hand out nothing from Twilight though New stuff!.We thank you for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honestly, vampires tend to bore me!. I agree that Bram Stoker's vampires are the best kind, but everyone nowadays wants something romantic and/or odd!. To me, I want to see ugly vampires, average-looking vampires- someone that can blend in a crowd!. Today's vampires are ageless and beyond beautiful- they're too perfect!. Make them more humanized, make them age!. They could still live a long time- hundreds or even thousands of years- but I believe they should be able to die naturally!.

Have them drink blood, real human blood, and have them hunt them!. Maybe they only go after a certain kind of person, like the homeless, or blonde women, or wealthy buisnessmen!. The original vampires couldn't walk in the sun, and I personally like that idea more than 'oh, for such-and-such reason we can walk in the daylight!' excuse!. But to each his own!. And what happened to being able to transform into a bat!? Bring that back, and you could always twist it so that they transform into another animal (if you don't like a bat), or maybe that they can transform, but it takes a toll on their bodies, soul, makes them age faster, etc!. Whatever you think works best for your characters and your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In John Carpenter's VAMPIRES, they burst into flame when exposed to sunlight!. That was kind of cool!.

How about something totally different like the vampire puts his or her hand on you and these like tendrils or spikes come out of their hand and pierce you then suck the blood out of you!? A totally non traditional vampire since most stories have them using their mouths to suck the blood out of you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats gonna be hard, she used a lot of really good powers, i was trying to think of some that she didn't cover but other than the same old xray vision i couldn't!. Try making the vampires more what they really are, night people, bats, that stuff, google vampire and see what you get!. make them have fengs too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, for starters they have to be ageless!. They can't be exposed to UV rays unless they are of the "daywalker" breed!. How about two rows of teeth on top and bottom to make them creepy and nasty looking!. They only mate with other vampires!. They don't prey on humans because they steal the blood from hospitals but they are still hunted because of the stigma attached to them!.

Take a look at Bram Stoker's Dracula and John Carpenter's Vampires for inspiration!. Stay away from Blade!. Interview With a Vampire will help as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm really into vampires and i write a lot of vamp stories!. if you want to be different you could have the vampires be less myth and monster and more human than we have fantasized them to be!. You could have them basically be like normal people, with a few abnormal abilities!. For the powers i would use telepathy, maybe a morphing ability or something like that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I have done vampires exactly once in a short story!. And I went back to Bram Stoker and followed his rules for vampires to the letter!. He based his vampires on actual legends from the Carpathian region!. As far as I am concerned, those are the only vampires that matter!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's called being creative, there are like a thousand vampire novels/movies/radio shows out there good and bad you need to do your own research on google perhaps or read more! And just be creative! It's as simple as that, if you take other peoples idea well thats just like taking Stephanie Meyer's ideas!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

how bout they turn hot pink in the sun or they have smoke come off them in the sun (it would be very noticable)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you digress from the legends too much they will cease to be vampires at all!.

Vampires in folklore and classic literature have always been linked very strongly to religion!. They are demons of a sort and therefore evil!. If I were going to write vampires I would still have them repelled by religious symbols such as crosses and holy water!.
If you study Dracula you will find loads of religious symbolism, Dracula represents a sort of anti-Christ!. Everything he is and does is a mockery of Christianity!. It makes for a very interesting study and adds extra horror to Dracula as an enemy!.

Stoker's vampires:
~ Could go out in the daylight but were very weak during the day
~ Were repelled by garlic, crucifixes, holy wafers, and holy books
~ Had no reflection
~ Only turned to dust when killed if they'd been dead a long time previously
~ Slept in coffins and needed to be near earth from where they were buried
~ Could be killed by a stake through the heart or chopping off their head
~ Could take on the form of a giant bat
~ Could make wolves and dogs do their bidding
~ Didn't necessarily kill all their human victims
~ Could turn to mistWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends if these vampires are the antagonists or the protagonists of your story!.

If they're "bad vampires", they should be pale (almost completely white) and have crimson eyes!. Make them as inhuman as possible!. They should have razor sharp nails and teeth!. Maybe give them some other advantages like being able to float or whatever, or being able to control others with their vampire-y powers!. It's easier if they're daywalkers and are able to go out during the day, but they're kind of creepier if they can only come out at night!.

If the vampires are "good", go the complete opposite and make them as human as possible!. Give them subtle traits that seperate them from humans, but only slightly, for example, make them quick-healing (ex!. if they break their wrist, it heals within hours)!.

For vampire references try these (they all portray vampires differently, though, so combine them to make one unique breed of vampire:

-Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series; Vampires= Antagonists)
- Angel (TV series; Vampire= Protagonist)
- Dracula by Bram Stoker (Vampire= Antagonist)
- The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice (Vampire=Protagonist)
- Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber (Vampires= Good/Bad)
- The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith (Vampires= Protagonists)
