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Question: I want to become a writer!.!.
i love to write my imaginations down,my dreams and anything else!.!.and i have always wanted to make stories out of them but when i start i dont get 15 sentences into before i delete it!.!.is there something about that i should know!.!.like i can only see the book becoming a movie!.!.i need help with why i can finish or barely even start a story!.!.why doesnt it sound good to me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before you start writing, build your characters, figure out where you want the plot to go (it'll change, but have a destination in mind, nonetheless), get a setting, research it!.
Do all of this to the point that your characters are far more than words on a page to you before you even write the first sentence of the story!. (Freewriting and kind of drafting major events is fine, but don't start the actual story!.) Then, before you start the story, you'll either have dumped the idea as something you don't want to do anymore or you'll be so in love with it you won't be able to talk yourself out of it!. (And if you somehow manage to, your characters will stand over your head with a whip until you do!. ^^; )

Don't worry about it sounding good, either!. That's what editing and polishing is for!. Just write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's what i do!. i just start writing and it's a really good story in my head and the beginning is perfect!.!.!.!. but then i think it somehow changes or doesn't match the way i want my story to go, so i somehow do something weird and don't continue writing my story because i think it's not good enough when really it would be a really good story!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could post some of your work on http://www!.chapteread!.com and I take a look at your writing!. I'm sure others would like to help you out too to see where you need help!. Looking forward to seeing your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well the easy way is!.!.!. scary stories, it a great way to start, when you start put down ideas, don't stop, just type the things that appear in your head, the more you think the more story will be longer, so start cool, like for example,

a happy family moves in a house, they never got into a fight,

just talk about the family background and names, afterward write the first odd things happening to them,

a young boy name Bobby walk into a old forest, then he trip a moving tree root, he ran away and feel like something chasing him, he ran faster and saw a shadow chasing his shadow, the sign of someone behind them

then continue with the parent don't believe him

"there were no person behind me, i turn my head and saw nothing, but a shadow following me" say Bobby, "enough go to your room now!" say the father

then afterward tell the reader about sister ot brother experience strange things, for example:

the sister leave to speak with Bobby, she came back to her room and saw her room a mess, she scream, the parent blamed her for fooling around,

then continue till all family, but the parent (parents last) then talk about the parents

the Father walks into his office, the car start and drive through the wall, and no one inside

then the next parent

the mother walks upstairs, then all the studden she feel a strong breeze, then a scream of the ghost

then afterward talk about they speaking to the ghost

"get out" say the mother then the candle goes out then went back on, then the furiture flew by her, she ran away and burn her house!.

then talk about who died in the fire

the father, sister, Bobby, died of the fire, then the mother rent the apt, the fire burst out of the bathroom and burn the mother

then comes to the ending

till this day, the ghost won't allow anyone in his house, or it death time

hope i help, i a expert on scary stories, one time i told a scary stories to my "friend" he never sleep for a weekWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. You should buy some books on how to write good fiction!. They are very helpful and have made me a far better writer than I was before I bought them!.

2!. Write down all your ideas in a notebook!.

3!. Write your dreams down too!.

4!. Try to find some inspiration in art or music if you can!. I use soundtrack music to visualize my story and go onto Deviantart!.com to figure out what my people may look like, and what not!.

5!. Do some free hand writing!. Just make yourself write one or two pages and see how it goes!. Make someone who you respect and will really critique read your work and tell you what they think (don't take offense if they hate it, just ask what needs work)!.

6!. If you can write ten pages or more of story, try mapping it out into chapters!.

7!. Force yourself to write a little very day!. I always write for an hour before I go to sleep on my night table!. When I've finished one or two pages, I go to sleep!. When I get writer's block, I go back to where I was most excited in the story and continue from there!.

8!. Don't write in holes!. You might try writing your favorite ideas before pre-events have happened, but stop yourself, if you do that, you probably won't go back to the begining and the part you do write won't be as strong because you didn't take the emotional journey to get there!.

9!. Don't get distracted by other story ideas!. Stay focused on your work and just note your other ideas for later!. Most of the time I realize whatever story idea I had before wasn't really that great to begin with and I'm glad I didn't waste time trying to write it instead of working on my real project!.

10!. Get someone who will be honest with you to read it when you're done!. Then edit all your work again!. And again!. Get all those plot holes fixed and character development straight!.

The best thing for you to do is get some books on writing fiction and take some classes at school and/or join a writing club!. It'll do wonders for you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com