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Question: What did you think of Breaking Dawn!? Contains spoilers
Personally it was my favorite book in the series!. I don't see why people are buggin about it!. I know it's just fiction and other people should to!. I mean Bella was married before her and Edward had sex and had a baby which is more than some people in the real world can say!. I somehow new Bella's gift would be her self control so that didn't bother me that she was a nearly perfect vampire!. I also thought that never having to fight the Volturi was good because Bella is always having near death experiences and really didn't want anyone to die(Especially Edward,Alice, Emmett, Jasper,Nessie, Carlisle, Esme, Bella, and the werewolf pack!.) I don't like everyone's obsession with death and a good having to mean someone dies!. I found the no dying very refreshing!. The biggest issue I think people are having is the fact that Jake imprinted on Nessie!. I actually thought that was funny!. I knew he would stay in Bella's life some way and I didn't find it very disturbing!. Mostly because the werewolf imprinting was involuntary and Jake wasn't in love with her(yet) he just knew he was destined to protect her!. Edward and Bella having sex!.!.!.well they are married and I never really expected them to stay innocent when I first started reading the books!. Over all I loved the book and it was my favorite!. At points it did seem a bit out of character but I thought it was because Bella finally changed and it took on a whole new horizon!.

That's what I thought!. What are your opinions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I personally LOVED IT! When i first found out what was going to happen!. ( From a very annoying friend who can't keep a secret) I thought i might read like the Fan fictions that are online!. But after reading it i really started to LOVE it!. The whole thing explanation of why Bella can get pregnant is the deference between Men and Women!. Women's body's have to change when their pregnant!. But Mens body's practically stay the same their entire lives!. Reproductively that is!. So the males still can reproduce in a weird way while the women can't!. It made perfect sense to me!
I also really liked the whole Jacobs point of view!. It was easy to understand why she felt the need to do this!. Jacobs like was changing much more than Bella was and even in Jacob point of view we were still able to see what was going on with Bella!. So It was Perfect!. I love Nessie! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really understand how Bella got pregnant if vampires cant produce sperm and if the sperm was old it would be human sperm making it impossible to be a half vampire baby!.!. and I didnt really like how part of it was Jacobs point of view and how it pertained to the story that you couldnt see Bellas point of view when she was pregnant but other then that I loved it Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated it!. The baby was unnecessary (as was the Jacob imprinting on it), the characters didn't seem themselves, there were plot holes everywhere!. There are so many reasons why I hated it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved the book!. i never expected her to have a baby which was a huge twist that i loved!. yeah it was different but in a good wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the book the only thing i didnt like was Bella begging Edward for sex in the others books she would have blushed or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it!. people dont like it because it was new and orignal !.it was very unexpected!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just thought it was booooring!. It took forever to get through, and there was NO action to any of it!. No running, no frenzy, no excitement!. Just the perfect couple getting married and going off together, then having a baby (and we knew Bella couldn't die with that much book left!)!. Then after that, it seemed like the same thing was happening over and over again!. Nothing new, just!.!.!. hunting and trying to figure out WHAT to do!.
And the end was a major disappointment!. We had to read like three chapters all ending with Aro saying, "Well, it seems my brothers and I must discuss"!. I mean, really!
It didn't really solve anything!. There wasn't even an end fight to get rid of the evil Jane and Alec!. I wanted at least one Cullen to die, just to make it interesting (not because I don't like them)!.
It was just dull!. That's the main word!. 750 pages of boredom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with you!. Initially though, i was pretty disappointed with the first book because it wasnt where i wanted the book to go!. But then i got to the third book, and i realized it was exactly the story i was looking forward to, and everything i wanted to happen in the book did!. Although the nessie thing was wierd, and i think the book would have been good without it!. Oh and i wished more of it took place in the real world like the other three in the series did!. The book felt different, but it was still a good book, and tied things up very well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com