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Question: Who thought Breaking Dawn was annoying and kind of chiche
Its wasn't terrible but it wasn't good (i thought)!. the whole baby thing (and the jacob imprinting thing and the whole baby name thing) was totally stupid!. uhh!. and isn't it cliche for someone to get married after grad!., go to rio, get pregnant!. and at the end when alice magically appears at the end!. uhh!. anyone share the same opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
TOTALLY AGREE! I'm glad someone else has a sense of taste!.
It was really boring to, how she put them into situations that were obviously leading for something huge, then pulled away, like a slap on the wrist!.
I'm one of the people who slap the line!.!.!.
"Twilight Saga, can we pretend it's a trilogy!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it wasn't THAT bad, actually!.!.!. Was it the best!? No!. But I've certainly read worse!.!.!. I guess I just looked at it like Ms!. Meyers wanted this to be the last book in the series, and so everything needed to be accomplished in this book, which did certainly speed things up somewhat!. I didn't think the pregnancy was trite or cliche or at all (the name though-- that was a little unnecessary)-- Edward seemed to honestly think he couldn't get a human pregnant-- and for most women, birth control is not a huge priority when they're with their husband!.!.!. Finally-- would you rather have Jacob imprinted on Renemee or on Bella!? Personally, I'll take Nessie-- lots less angsty!. I think Ms!. Meyers accomplished (in the best way possible) what she wanted to accomplish with this book, and that she did an admirable job of tying the series up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!. It felt like it was written by a different person who had maybe gotten a quick rundown of the story before being let loose to write the book!. The characters were different, the plot was boring and holey, the story was, even for scifi/fantasy, outlandish and ridiculous based on the mythology the author had previously set up!.

Maybe Meyer or her characters were taken over by the aliens from her other book, The Host!. That would explain a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

same here i was kind of disappointed i had really been looking forward to the release of this book and when i got it and finished it i didnt hate it, it was just kinda!? not what i was expectingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about chiche, but It was pretty cliche and horrendous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HEY **** YOU UR NOT A REALL TWILIGHTER *****Www@QuestionHome@Com