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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What's with people acting like The Twilight Books are the new Harry Potters?

Question: What's with people acting like The Twilight Books are the new Harry Potters!?
They're good books but they aren't that good!. Come on people!
By the way this was more of a rhetorical question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No kidding!.

As if anything could actually compare to Harry Potter!. *scoffs*
Harry Potter PWNS all!. End of story!. JKR is the GOD of modern authors!. No one can top her!. Especially not that amateur, cliched, terrible author who can't come up with a decent plot to save her life (aka Smeyer)!.

JKR is brilliant!. HP is brilliant!. There is character development!. The plot blows my mind away!. It's complex!. It's captivating!. The writing is pretty good!. JKR has an actual imagination!.

Smeyer, on the other hand!.!.!. well, she has no imagination!. Let's leave it at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, it's all personal opinion!.!.!.Personally, to me, the Twilight series outshines Harry Potter by far!. I accept that MANY don't feel the same way, but it depends on personal preference!. Besides, Twilight is meant to appeal more to teenage girls (though many boys also read it) and romance readers, while also including those with interests in novels about vampires and "werewolves"!. Harry Potter had a wider range, as it appealed to men, women, children, teens, etc!.

You can't tell a person what books are best, as each person is an individual, since I could just as easily press forward with my opinion!.

ADD: As for me, I LOVED Harry Potter!. However, the Twilight series was the one that I was willing to reread over and over and attend the release party for!.!.!.I just can't help but like it more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in my opinion, harry potter will always be the best!.
it is untouchable in the top seat, looking down at all other sagas haha!.
but twilight was almost as good, but not quite!.
harry potter has everything, though it has magic, action, adventure, sacrifice, romance, loss, pain, happiness, and basically everything imaginable!. so everyone can find something to relate to in that series!.
plus, it shows the characters mature in a way that hasn't really been showed anywhere else!.
with twilight, its mainly just a romance novel but with a twist!.
meyer talks about sacrifice and pain, but no one really ever dies!.
SPOILER- except for inina!. but she was a minor character, kind of the equivilent to rowlings collin creevey!.
so in my opinion, harry potter rules!. period!. but twilight is a very close second!.
ps- i love edward<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's bullshit!.

The Twilight "saga" has NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! HP, on the other hand, has insane amounts of character development!. And there are so many other differences, it's not even funny!.

Nothing will ever top Harry Potter -- seriously!. You have to be an extremely imaginative and perservering person to write something as good as HP!. Point blank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing will ever replace Harry Potter - it's simply not possible!. It has too great, and too loyal, of a following!.

Twilight is the new "popular" series!. That's all!. The books are nowhere near as well-written as the HP series - and trust me, the obsession will pass!.


I think it's because a lot of the fans of the Twilight books are/were fans of the Harry Potter books!. A lot of us have found the Twilight books when the movie information started coming out and we saw that a former Potter actor was staring in it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's with the hype with both of them really!.
They're both poorly written in my view!.
J!.K!. ended up trying to cater to too many tastes, and it ruined it a little!.
And Stephanie Meyer, and her contradictory characters!.
Whatever next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter is so much better then twilight!!!!!!! harry potter is the BEST book series EVER!!! seriously, all twilight talks about is stupid vampire romance!. only SOME teen girls would like it!.!. really, two vampires are in love!.!.!. yeah we get it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well!.!.!. they are that good!. they're amazing!. think what you want!. yea breaking dawn could have been better!.!.!. but the first three there are simply no books that compare to them!. re-read them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight and Harry Potter are different, but they're both flipping amazing!!! And i agree why ask the question if you don't actually want answers!? Blog about it or something silly!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's the hype surrounding them, but some are taking it too far by compairing them, when they have very little in common!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i know!.!.!.!.!.!.!.why is the twillight sereies a successorer to the Harry Potter sereies when it only has 4 books!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definetely NOT!!.!.!.!.!. The twilight books are waaaay better than the Harry Potter ones!Www@QuestionHome@Com

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

So then why did you ask it on YA, when you know people are going to respond!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

UM BECAUSE THEY ARE!! Eclipse knocked harry potter 7 off the charts! eat that!Www@QuestionHome@Com