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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any recommendations on books by "anti-establishment" non-fiction autho

Question: Any recommendations on books by "anti-establishment" non-fiction authors!?!?
Obviously, the term anti establishment means different things to different people!.

I just wonder if there are authors who venture into the area of David Cross and George Carlin in their works, where they aren't really all that worried about sacred cows or offending mainstream values!.

I would say that Sam Harris is one such author!. I admit to being under qualified in the world of literature though!. So there may be many more out there that I don't have a clue about!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ayn Rand has some interesting non-fiction!.!.!.but her fiction is more fun to read and most carries the exact same message!Www@QuestionHome@Com

William Burroughs, Sloane Wilson, Jack Kerouac from the '50's

But if you want satire, funny satire try Thorne Smith, he wrote the most ridiculous hysterical cutting books in _his_ time which was the late twenties, and nineteen thirties!.
Most of his work is out of print but worth the searches!. My first encounter with him was 'Skin and Bones' in which a man messing with chemicals turns into a living skelton at very inconvienent times and gets chased all over NYC!. (no his clothes do not go with him!.) The scene with his barber is priceless!. The barber is shaving away, and hits bone!.!.!.live talking bone!.!.

His wife is flabbergasted but soons supports him in his crazed adventures!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know you specifically asked for non-fiction authors, but I'd recommend reading A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess as well as the poem Howl by Allen Ginsberg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com