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Question: What is your favorite Young Adult book!!?
What is your favorite Young Adult book, and why!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Noughts and Crosses Trilogy by Malorie Blackman

I had to read the the first one for a review a few people had to do in the library, I was very skeptical as it is like nothing I have ever read before, I usually read girly books, like The Clique or Jacqueline Wilson, but I really enjoyed and continued reading them until I had read the entire trilogy, I have just found out that a fourth-Double Cross-will be out later this year and I can't wait!.

I would recommend these book to everyone, they have everything, suspense, romance, a little bit of action but above all an excellent read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

I go for this book all the way and have been recommending it right and left!.
This book made me laugh out loud and feel sad both, with a bit of anger once or twice thrown in for good measure!.
The entire story is excellently told, 'real' even in its imaginative dealings, and a book a reader just cannot put down!.
It got the '07 Nat'l Book Award for Young Adult novels!.
It's still in the top ten on the New York Times Bestseller list for children, though it IS young adult!.
I can't praise it enough, I really can't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always liked Susan Cooper!.Her Dark is Rising series is set in England and is a struggle between Good (the Old Ones) and Evil ( the Dark)!.
It ties the Arthurian legends into it with a twist!.The series is:
Over Sea,Under Stone,The Dark Is Rising,Greenwitch,The Grey King and Silver on the Tree!.
If you liked Harry Potter,you will like these books!.

Ronald Dhal is great also-my daughter loves Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator,Matalida and The Witches!.I think he wrote the Phantom Tollbooth as well!.

His stories are not quite as dark as Lemony Snickett-who is quite funny but I like the LS stories better than my kid-lol!.

The Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum is a classic and all the Oz stories are lovely(The Cowardly Lion of OZ,Ozma of Oz,etc!.!.!.)
The Artemis Fowl series is very funny-a junior Stainless Steel Rat,tho lots of reviews peg him as a Harry Potter gone bad!.

Harry Potter! I started reading HP at 15 and kept it up until the end!. I love how the books follow Harry through the pains of growing up by setting it in a fictional world!. I also like Princess Academy by Shannon Hale (although that's more for ages 11-14), the Twilight series (for all the reasons that everyone else has), Eragon and Eldest (great fantasy writing, a good light read for any age), and the Narnia books because they can be read on several levels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight because it's so!.!. mysterious and adventurous!. And romantic lol!.

And the Uglies because of how intense and creative it was!.

And the Great and Terrible Beauty!. Very very mysterious and adventurous!.!.!. and super creative lol!. Not as much romantic!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before I Die by Jenny Downham - I look after patients with life ending diseases and thought it would be good to get a teenagers point on dying and thought it was fantasic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a tie between Twilight & A great and terrible beauty trilogy
I think AGATB is winning because of BD Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight series and The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round ThingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

mine is twilight (the whole series)! it just makes you want to keep reading !Www@QuestionHome@Com