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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone else think Bella was being a little selfish with keeping Nessie?

Question: Does anyone else think Bella was being a little selfish with keeping Nessie!?
So Edward's practically going insane at her feet, and she just strokes his cheek and rubs her belly!.
If she really loved him, wouldn't she have ditched the mutant!? Abortion isn't my favorite, but it was killing her and Edward was completely losing it!. I know she 'loved' Nessie (remember how fickle Bellakins is with love), but come on, Edward went through hell and back for her!.
Kind of selfish to keep her in my opinion!.
What are your thoughts!? I'm just wondering about how other people saw this!.

P!.S!. Jacob imprinting on Nessie = pedophilistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! Bella is selfish!. I though she was selfish in Eclipse for keeping Edward out of the battle!. I know she loves him and that it would be hard for her!.!.!.but she is never making any sacrifices!. also, when it came to the sex!. Edward did not want to do it anymore while she was human!. Yet, she completely disregarded his request and pushed him until he gave in!. If she loves him that much, she would have respected his choices!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya the whole "regular vampires cant have babies so lets give bella one" on SM's part was just dumb!. the last book took a turn for the worst!. and your right if she did love edward all that much she wouldn't have kept the baby!. how did she know he would end up loving nessie!? what if he would have hated the baby she would have been jeopardizing their relationshipWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, i don't think she was being selfish!. It's her kid and she deserved to keep her! Edward was freaking out because she was in pain, not because of the actual kid!. Yeah, she made everyone freak out but look how it turned out :D!. Jacob imprinting on Nessie is disturbing and provoking petifile!! <-- same goes with Quil!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it made me really mad she was doing it when it happened!. I was like "GRR Bella is killing Edward and herself, I hate her!!"!.

And it does seem weird about Jacob and Nessie but!.!.!.!.If you think about it, Edward is like 100 years older than Bella, right!?!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was selfish in a way but also somewhat unselfish!.
She didn't wanna kill her child!.
And Jacob imprinting on Renessme, not really pedophilistic unless he does something!. For now, he's just keeping her safe until she is full grown and ready for commitment!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i understood where the author was going with bella Bella was the mother and therefore did not want to get rid of her first child even if it was killing her she would die for her child like any other regular mother would have at least that is what i thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was Bella's baby!. OF course she would keep her!. You'd think Renesme came from outer space!. Who would she give her to!?

People just wanted Edward and Bella to hook up after the prom like normal kids and break up three days later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yup!. And there's no Single Undead Moms under 18 Organization for her to join, either!.

*wags finger* and THAT, my dear children, is why you NEVER marry a vampire!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

uh, bella's selfish period!.

Jacob imprinting on Nessie = pedophilistic!.
agreed!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!. That was pretty stupid of her!.


Yes! Bella was hurting Edward and I don't give a crap if she suddenly felt all 'maternal'!. Yeah freaking right!. She has never wanted kids and the only reason she kept the thing was because it was Edward's but he didn't want it so why should she!? Why die for something that is half Edwrad when she could live and have all of Edward!? It's selfish and mean!. Not to mention the way she treated him while she was preggers!. He was in pain and she had to kick him while he was down by not letting him near her without Rosalie there!. Ugh! Don't even get me started on Rosalie!. I could go on all day!. Biz-zo!. That's all I'm gonna say, you don't want to read all of my ranting!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad you asked this!.

I agree with Twilight Series Lover and I think Bella grew as a person when she had Nessie and I think Edward and Bella's relationship developed as well, unfortunately SM did not spend alot of time focusing on that development because she was just trying to do so much in this last book, so oh well!.

But what I will say is that the ENTIRE book, I was waiting for Bella to APOLOGIZE to Edward for putting him through hell!. See, maybe Bella understood that maternal drive to save the life of her unborn child, but Edward didn't! And I was so disappointed that SM never had them have some conversation about it, or showed Bella trying to get Edward to understand or feel better or ANYTHING!. That really did bother me!. That was unfair to Edward!.

And Jacob and Nessie!? Eh, I think its kind of weird, but I understand where SM is going with it, so it doesn't bother me really!. Www@QuestionHome@Com