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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What did you guys think about "Breaking Dawn" by Stephanie Meyer?

Question: What did you guys think about "Breaking Dawn" by Stephanie Meyer!?
I'm on the fence as to whether buying it is a good idea!. I just don't know!.!.!.!. I've loved the previous books but my friends have been saying that this one is a waste!. As for *spoilers, go right ahead, please!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
buy it! it's so good and please don't judge it by what i'm about to say because i'm crap at describing things!.

firstly one part of the book is in Jacobs point of view which is pretty interesting!. and Bella marries Edward and get pregnant with a half human half vamp baby!. and she nearly dies because they have to cut open her belly to get it out!.!.!.with teeth!.!.!.and no morphine! and then she has a baby girl called RENESME (what a name) which Jacob nicknames Nessie and Jake imprints on the baby!!! but then she nearly dies and Edward stick a needle of venom in her heart! and starts digging his teeth into her arm to save her!. but she lives and gets turned into a vampire (yay) so then she turns out to be the best newborn ever because she can control her hunger for human blood! then the volturi find out about the baby!. Alice does a runner with jasper (who randomly kept getting (called jazz) and Bella's power is a shield which she can control really well(!) and the volturi come and there's a whole group of vamps with the Cullens and then the volturi leave because they are out numbered by vamps and wolves!! and the wolves can't hurt Nessie because she is Jacobs impritee! then they go home and its a happy ending!.

sorry if this is random and rubbish but i really like it!! and if you don't like it you can join in with the breaking dawn bashers which is always fun!. it can't hurt to read it can it! there is even someone burning the book and people are asking him(i think) to put it on you tube plus people really want to go and throw their books in too!


I cried at the end of this book… I waited for so long for it to come out I was up all night long reading it for like two nights after it came out!. And when it ended I cried, I cried because it was such a disaster, nothing happened for good reasons!. Too many rules were broken they ruined my Team Jacob; they made him imprint on that poor little baby!. And then also there were so many parts where the plot was messed up she skipped something or forgot a piece or added something that couldn’t happen because of previous book!. But all together there really wasn’t a plot things just happened choppy and fast like reading four different books then mashing them together into a big huge disaster!. I don’t suggest buying it just pretends that it never ever was written and stick to the first 3!. But if you want to know what happens then listen to all the spoilers there are only like 6-8 things you need to know!. also her writing style changed which made me mad! It went to Sci-fi… and it was very immature writing too no deep love quotes or anything just sci-fi adventure stuff that looks like it was written by a 10 year old who just learned about sex and was excited to write it like that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a really book in my opinion! U should be the judge of if u like it or not!. ****Spoilers*** Bella and Edward goes on a honeymoon they go skinny dipping in the ocean and then have sex 3 times!. Bella becomes pregnant Rosalie becomes nice bella has to start drink blood to stay alive!. Jake, Seth, and Leah actually have there own pack now to protect the Cullens!. Edward and Carlisle do not want Bella to have the baby because they dont want her dead!. Edward talks to Jake saying convince Bella to abort the baby and have sex with her and make her pregnant bc Bella wants to be a mom and if Bella keeps the baby and bella dies he wants Jake to kill Edward!. Bella keeps the baby Jake sees Bella dieing bc she cant keep nothing down so she is forced to drink human blood!. Thats all I no bc im on Book2 Jake Pov in Breaking Dawn chapter13!. Lastly there are 3 books book 1 and 3 is Bella's POV and there is a 11 chapters in Book2 of Jakes POV!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really didn't like it as well as the other ones!. This one felt very rushed, like she just wanted to the story to end already!. There was a lot of information and I think she easily could've split it into 2 different books rather than rushing through it!. The relationship between Edward and Bella took what I thought was a drastic turn!. It didn't seem like the connection they had in the other books was present anymore!. I didn't like them as parents either, but I did enjoy Reneesme, especially the fact that Jacob imprinted on her!. (Plus the interactions between the two of them are pretty fun!.) I wanted more of the Cullens, and was left wondering more about them than anyone else!. The story gets too convoluted by the introductions of all the other vampires!. Plus the thing that drove me crazy was the shortening of Emmett and Jasper's names to "Em" and "Jazz!." Why did she do this all of a sudden!? After 1500 pages she got tired of writing their full names!?!? Overall it was nice to get the story finished, but i felt like it could've been done a lot better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Em, its worth the read but it didnt live up to my expectations!. I loved all SM's other books but this was my least favourite!. I thought it was kinda unrealistic!. I hated how jacob imprinted on bella's daughter, but i spose it means he's still part of bellas life and thats gud, right!? also Edward didnt mind that he was damning bella to an "eternity of night" by turning her into a vampire and i think that was unlike him!. In all the other books he was reluctant to do so because he didnt want her to lose her soul but in this book that barely came up!. Neway if i were you id buy it because sum people did enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This book got two thumbs down from me!. I just started reading the Twilight series a few months ago and absolutely loved them!. In the fouth book however there was really no plot!. Jacob's POV was the best!. And the end!?!?!?What the hell!?!? You were left confused and open!.!.the book to me did not end, she did not close it!. She made you believe that there was going to be a huge fight!.!.!.which never happened!. Which should have , b/c they are still worried of the Volturi would be picking them off one by one!.!.!.I personally did not like it at all, but you should read it to draw conclusions of your own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No! This one was great!. It finally had a lot more maturity in it that we were all waiting to see; and no, I don't mean sexual maturity!. Finally, Bella gets some backbone, and we delve farther into the deeper themes of the books!. It was very good, I thought!. So definitely, go get it :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it, liek someone else said it is much more mature (which i think is why alot of people didn't like it, they didn't want the characters to change at all)!. I thought it was worth it, but if you are worried you could borrow it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would get it!. It ties up all the loose ends from the rest of the books and completes the story!. Although it may not be the best of the saga, it is deffinitely worth reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IT'S AMAZING!! Personally, i think it's the best one yet!. Other people have different ideas though i don't know why!. I LOVE IT!! IT'S JUST SSSSSSSSSOOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Disappointing book really!.

I like all her other books though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its good but only becasue of jacobs POV
bella is a *****!. sorry but she just is!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask a friend to lend it to you, don't waste $20Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terrible book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your friends are right!. It IS a waste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com