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Question: I need help with my book!?
ok, so i am writing a book, and i need help!. i feel like i am rushing everything to much!. i just get all these ideas in my head, and then incorporate them into the story!. i definitely know it will need more detail, but i can't seem to write everything down i want fast enough! should i write the story, then go back and add detail, or is this a bad idea!? HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I write I just keep on writing without critiquing, worrying about spelling errors or if it makes sense because you can always go back and fix it up!. When I get a rush of creativity and ideas I just let them keep on coming!. When your ready then fix it up!. Writings a process, it doesn't have to be perfect the first time!. That's why we have editors!. :)

You might want to try joining a writing community!. I've been on http://www!.chapteread!.com and really like it!. It helps to get feedback from fellow writers!. So far I've seen some great writings and advice that helped some of the people there already!. You should check it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that you should jot down the ideas on a separate piece of paper or another notebook so you always have them nearby!. Carefully think through which ones are the most important and which ones will be crucial for the development of your story!. You should try and get as much detail in the story as you go along; what if you leave out some very important details now and later, when you add them in, you feel that they don't quite work out!? Like, for example, you want to hint about a special object in the book but you decide to do it later!.!.!.Then when you go back you might not be able to tie the whole story together and get the object to connect with everything!. Does that make sense!? Basically my advice would be to take it slow but get the ideas out so that you don't feel so rushed!. :) Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com