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Question: Breaking dawn have you read it!?!?
so i read it of course!. i cant really decide if i like it!. like while i was reading it i felt like i was on a roller coaster!. like first i kinda felt embarrassed during the sex sense well not embarrassed but i was like umm!.!.!. while i was reading it during jacobs part it kinda frustrated me that he flippen was in love with bella one min then bam all he could see was renesmee!. and what kind of name is renesmee!?!?!? weird!. and nessie is weird too what does that have to do with the loch ness monster!?i guess some parts were all right though what do you think!?!?!? and what were your fav parts and the parts you hated!?!?!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
honestly i really thought the book was pretty good!.
i liked the fact that it wasnt ALL from bellas perspective!.
i mean even though jake was never my favorite reading from his point of view in this one really made more since in the middle because he really did a big part and it wasnt just cuz he still had feelings for her because well he pretty much wished they go away but it was like he did secretly feel like he had to protect the cullens cuz it wasnt as bad as the wolves thought!.

yeah the book was cliche and all predictable and what not but hello thats kinda gonna happen when people spent every freaking hour on YA talking about their expectations for the book!.
people really shouldnt of under/over-estimated it!.
i think the main reason people got so upset was 1!.) they got so caught up with what they expected and what they hoped that it took them by surprise how it turned out!. after all we were left with our own thoughts on the book since stephenie really didnt want to hint anything much of it!.
and 2!.) after some readers got leaked copies people didnt want to believe it and then everyone said it sucked because it was either what they thought it would be or what they didnt think about it to believe!.
so hearing other peoples views then going out and buying the book yeah people are gonna think well i already know its gonna suck so i dont care MY outcome i just remember hearing that it sucks from OTHERS outcomes!.

i liked the book mostly also because it had a lot of emotion in each character that i could personally feel!.
like it was actually me in their shoes dealing with their issues!.
and yes the first few sex scenes were kinda uncomfortable to people who really dont need that much detail at all about it!.
but yeah it was pretty emotional for me!.
and when i read the very last page saying THE END i couldnt help but feel proud it ended on a good note and torn that it was the last i would ever be reading of there many many many milliania to come!.

sorry that was so long!.!.!.=\Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read it, and i do like it!. well most of it!. i thought the jacob part would of sucked!. but it was alright and him imprinting renesmee was really dumb!. and the nessie thing that's what they call the loch ness monster!. but i thought it was pretty good!. definately not as good as twilight but waay better than new moon lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. That's what happens when someone imprints!. The "bam" and all they see is that person!. That's all explained!.!.!.
2!. Yeah, Renesmee is a weird name, I agree, but its kinda cool!.!.!. Unique at least!.!.!.
3!. Nessie is the actual nickname for the Loch Ness Monster!.!.!.

I liked the book overall, and I'm glad it was a happy ending, but it seemed a lot like fan-fiction!.!.!.
Alice just showing up at the end was way too predictable!.!.!.

But otherwise, I thought it was good!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it!!!!
you have to look at it as a whole story, as one book!. i thought sephanie meyer has amazing writing skills!. i loved the little funny things she said all though out the book!. and at that last page even thouh it is like 600-700 pages long it leaves you wanting more!. he he i thought it was cute at the end when she let him read her mind:) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, it sucked- worse than fan-fiction!. I liked Jacobs point of view until SM had him imprint on "Renesme" (Agreed!. that is an odd name) and ruined him!. I pretty much hated everything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anwer MINE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
