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Question: Is this story idea overused/done before!?
It's about this teenage girl who has troubles with her family - neglectful parents who are rarely home and a drug addict brother who's always home!. When her school's French club plans their trip to France, the girl really wants to go!. After days of begging over the phone to her parents, they finally say yes!.

When she's in France, she meets a boy who she befriends!. He's friendly and she feels she can open up to him!. He's the first person she ever told about her problems at home!.
After 2 weeks of being in France, the schooltrip is over and they head back to America!. The boy is on the same plane as her!.
She is confused because he told her he lived in France - but now he was all of a sudden on the same plane as her headed to Oregon!. His stories simply didn't add up!.

Later on in the book he shows her who he really is!.
He takes her to a secret world - a world not ment for human eyes to see!. He's a fairy (My definition of fairy is different from wings and wands) and when he comes out of his glamour disguising him to look like an average human he looks gorgeous!. She realizes why he wouldn't want to look like that in the real world - he'd stick out like a sore thumb!.
Fairies in my story are immortal!. You can become a fairy if you eat ANYTHING from the secret world!.
Then it goes on from there - there's an adventure (I dont want to get into it on here)

Overused, done before!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, there are very similar stories to that!.

Good luck with your story though!. I'm sure you'll think of something fairly original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The stories success all depends on your ability as a writer!. If you are talented enough you can make it work even if it has been used before!. Another suggestion is to skip the fairy part and use just the neglectful parents and the druggie brother!. Make it a very realistic story about a young girls struggles in a tough, ugly family!. Maybe your not in to that=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The basic concept is kind of overused but you can make it different by giving the characters quirks and special personalities!. I think people would read it even if it was a little cliche!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a lot of stories along similar lines!.!.!. but nothing exactly the same that I've read!. Continue with it!.!.!. it wouldn't be hard to make it original!. It just reminds me of the book Tithe a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never heard it, it's interesting!.
But I hate the idea of immortality!.
It's silly!. It's like you can do whatever with out that one big consequence!. I don't like it!. ;[Www@QuestionHome@Com

it seems like just your average teenage " oh lets go mix our problems with fairy tales" kind of thing!. you can make it a lot better I don't know how but it's been done before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice story!.
I didn't hear anything like it before!.
You should publish it as a chaper book, or a novel for adults or teens!.

there are so many stories that say the exact same thing!

hannah montana was the first one to write that story!.

a fairy wow thats a really awful idea!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds extremely familar is all!. Ive never read this sort of thing but it easily sounds like lion witch and wardrobe almost with some changes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well definately done before and a little overused
but I think it is still really cute and if you tell it right it could be a good story!.
Good luck =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is overused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its been done to death unfortunately!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, I don't think so!. If you published this, I would definitley read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

O yes!.!.!. I remember the fairy from France/Oregon thing was in one of the Harry Potter books!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've never heard that before, but it sounds interesting!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess its over done(others peoples answers), but even if it wasn't I wouldn't read it, sounds!.!.!.pretty boring :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, but go for it!


well it might be overused but man i want to read the book now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think so i never read anything like that before not my style of books i guess but sound interestingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever read "The Hero with 1000 faces"!? Esentially the author looks at a number of hero stories looking for the common thread!.

Your hero (the girl) needs to go on a journey (doesn't need to be a physcial journey, could be a journey of the mind), experience new and different things, come back home, and the experience has to have changed the hero to be a better person!.

Okay, so the idea is interesting, but how is the girl a better person now!? Does she stand up for herself now, etc!.!? The climax of a hero story is the point at which the hero is put to the test and we see that they have changed for the better!. Remember SHE has to have changed!. Your "fairy" can guide her on her journey of change, but when push comes to shove, she needs to be the one who changes (relying upon him to bail her out isn't her changing)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's your basic girl meets fairy, they fall in love, etc!. story!. Used lots of times (and lately, the world is fairy obsessed), but if you're a good writer, I'm sure you can pull it off!. Maybe you should lay off the immortal bit, tho!.!.!.it's so cliche!.!.!.and the eating things too!. Maybe staying in the fairy kingdom for too long or some such thing like that, or becoming too involved with a fairy!. Be creative! and have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

kind of!.!.!.make your fairy butt-ugly with minimal magical pixie dust and you might have something goin' on there!.!.!.and yeah, i do agree that immortality is rather stupid!. in the story i'm writing, it causes a character eternal misery because he's lost all the wonder in life, all his friends are gone, etc!.

it's really up to you to make the story creative, because when you look at the basic structure, almost every story you get your hands on has been done at one point or other!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i first started reading i thought ''sex story, hiding pregnancy'' and i was like hell overused!. I think what you have has been used a lot before though!. You could try changing it a little like the fairies have to go to war with giants or dwarves and the main girl's fairy goes and is MIA or POW!. and it's a story of her trying to find and save himWww@QuestionHome@Com