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Question: "The Crucible" Book Question!?
In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, What are three major characters that are trapped!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i read this a LONG time ago,

but John Proctor- because he wants to turn in Abbie for making false accusations but if he did that he would have to admit to having an affair and his name would be ruined (also the reason why he wouldn't sign the document saying he was a witch)

Elizabeth Proctor- for the same reason except she feels its not her place to take care of john's buisness for him and she has never told a lie but does to try to save her husband

Mary- because she knows that the girls are in the wrong but if she accuses them (Abbie in particular), then they will turn it around on her, and they did so she went back to them

Danforth (i think that's the judges name)-was trapped in a kind of a power frenzy!. even after he knew that what he was doing was wrong he continued on because if he addmited he was wrong then he thought it would make him weak or less powerful!.

umm the guy, i dont remember his name but he was kind of like an officer and he knew they were wrong but went along with it for a while so he was kind of trapped but then he stormed out of the court house and so he wasn't anymore

i think that most of the charactors are trapped at some point or another during the story, either by others threats or their own fear!.
i hope this helps!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

John - he wants to do what is right but is at first hesitant in losing his name!.
Elizabeth- she has never lied!.!.but lies for her husband to save his name!.
Mary- She knows the truth that the girls are scandals!. However, she is forced to go with their act before they accuse her of being a witch!.

these are some ideas that come to mind!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trapped!? By what exactly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com