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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have you read the book Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer?

Question: Have you read the book Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer!?
I'm reading it right now and it is sooooo good!
If you haven't read it, you should!
And if you did read it, what did you think of it!?

Which of her books did you like the best!?
Twilight New Moon Ecplise or Breaking Dawn!?

Thanks for Answering! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OMG i loved it sooo much! i just finished earlier today! im not ggonna say what i love about it cuz i dont know how far you are and i dont wanna ruin the book for you ;) soo im just gonna say i love it soo much ! =d have fun reading! umm my favorites in order are probably: twilight, eclipse, beaking dawn (bd and eclipse are tied) then new moon (edward wasn't in it as much :P )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it! It is by far one of her best books and in my opinion the best in the saga!. There were so many twists in it that you would never expect to happen! I know that any book that ends a series will make a few people disappointed but I'm pretty sure this isn't one of them!. The only thing that I didn't really like was that when I read the book there was a different atmosphere around it, like I was reading something different!. also, after she's turned into a vampire, it's like everything that happened before in her human life is sort of irrelevant!. But over all this is the best book in the entire universe! I can't believe it's really over!. We won't read anything new about the Cullen's!. It's like the meaning of all literature is over!!! Oh well, there's still fan fiction, the Twilight Official Guide, and Midnight Sun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight of course!!! It should be everyone's favorite!.
Then Breaking Dawn or New Moon, its a toss up!.
But Eclipse, definitely my least favorite!.!.!. I think
the characters became really annoying!.
Bella got so insecure and rather stupid, I just wanted to kick her!.
She was so annoying, needy, and self absorbed!.
I liked Breaking Dawn, I thought it was a good ending! I don't think there could be anything better!.
I definitely think you should read it to the end and judge for yourself!. There are always going to be unhappy people regardless of how it ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am in the beginning of jacobs part, maybe page 180 or so!? i love the book so far! i have liked all of them because there are little things from the previous books that you did not under stand and then in the next book it becomes crystal clear! it is also fun to figure out where the title comes from because in each book the title is mentioned once!. i like all, but i would have to say that my favorite right now is eclipse!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I finished it a couple days ago and thought it was good!. It certainly wasn't my favourite!. I don't know how to explain, but it kind of seemed!.!.!.!.vague!?
Almost as if it wasn't being told by somebody there!. If that makes sense!. My favourite part was probably Jacob's part!.

Twilight was by far the best!.
Then New Moon!. A lot of people don't like that one, but I do!.!.!.even though I had a preference to Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i finished it yesterday!.!.!.i love them all and the only thing bad that i have to say is that i really didn't care for jacobs section but only because i don't like him!.!.!.lol
i cant get enough of edward so i have started them all over again!.!.!.its more fun to reread them because you catch a lot more things!.!.!.especially in the beginning of twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was mildly okay!.
alot of things were very stupppid, and rushed, and unneeded!.
Jacobs Part is my favorite!.
thought i dont like his version of happily ever after!.
it was way below expectations!.

1!. New Moon
2!. Eclipse
3!. Twilight
4!. Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the way she ended it!! I have my rants about the character voice changing, the necessity of Bella getting pregnant and many other things, but over-all ended wonderfully!.

The order I like them in:
-Breaking Dawn
-New Moon


Breaking Dawn is the Titanic of books!. The most repulsive thing I have ever read!. People are returning them to the store by the thousands!. Little Brown is the laughingstock of the publishing industry!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm almost done, I'm on Jacob's part - i really like it, but i still like Eclipse the best so far!. Gotta finish up Breaking Dawn, it's a close 2nd to Eclipse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read the entire Twilight series - from its idiotic, insipid beginning to the failfest of lulz that is Breaking Dawn - and I hated every single book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Twilight was the only really good book!. It was a goo dlove story, but i didn't like the 3rd, tried to put too much in one book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm half way thru i'm back with bella now i finished jacobs part thank goodness cuz he thinks 2 much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight was my favorite! Breaking Dawn I found was disappointing compared to the other three!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! I finished over the weekend! I thought it was awesome! I liked twilight the best because!.!.!.well it's where the whole story began!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've just finished read it! It was good:) but Twilight will always be the best for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked it alot it brought good a good close!.

twilight and eclipse will always be better though :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the printing messed up cuz breaking dawn sucked!.!.!.
eclipse was my fav!. and thats were im ending itWww@QuestionHome@Com

