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Question: How to be Funny - Stanley Lyndon
Has anybody tried Stanley Lyndon’s “How to be Funny” book or ebook!? The sales pitch is very interesting and the Amazon!.com reviews are all favorable!. However, I have not seen or heard of this guy and I have watched a lot of American TV and comedies (I live in Singapore)!. Can anyone who had bought his book tell me if it is worth the price!?

I am not a stand-up comedian or have any intentions of pursuing comedy for a career!. I just want to learn to be ‘funnier’ in day-to-day life!. :)

By the way, the site is: http://www!.howtobefunny!.netWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have bought the second edition of the book from Amazon!.com almost six years back!. It had great reviews even then!. I was not entitled to automatic updates since I did not purchase the book directly from their site but I believe it is in its fourth edition now!. So while I cannot attest to how good the current edition is, I can confidently say that the version I received was a pure gem!. It was refreshingly concise with to-the-point explanation and methods!. By the way, I am not a comedian either, though I could be!. ;)

Frankly, even I had not heard of Lyndon when I bought the book!. However, I later acquired tapes of this very talented English comedian!. He is a little old, but extremely good!. Pity he didn’t go on worldwide tours to make himself more famous!. Anyway, coming back to the topic at hand, I can honestly say that the book was worth the price for me and then some!. Good luck either way!.


I bought the ebook version!. It came as a PDF file which I printed out at my computer!. It was a very nice book actually, unlike a lot of other books on the same subject I had read!. I understand what you mean by the worth of it!. Yeah, it is priced a little dear!. However, I look at it this way!. If I had bought this book first, I wouldn't have bought anything else on the same topic so I would have saved a lot while gaining everything possible!. I had to find out the hard way!. Your mileage may vary though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most comedians aren't the best writers!. Lyndon, on the other hand, seems to have successfully broken down each and every step of humor generation and explained it in an 'easy to follow' manner!. By 'easy to follow', I don't just mean the reading part, but also the actual application of the techniques in real life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was pretty skeptic like you when I was contemplating the purchase as well!. But, the promise sounded too good so I jumped the gun and bought it!. I am happy to say I wasn't disappointed!. I am positive you wouldn't too!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a print version of this book at home!. A very nice read for sure!. I don't know how much I bought it for, but it was definitely very useful!. I am not sure if they still sell the print version though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing really matters to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com