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Question: What would you do for this!.!.!?
Book!? I need to make a drawing for my story!. The story involves 'inertia' ever so slightly!. Inertia is : A property of matter that causes it to resist changes in speed or direction (velocity!. Any Ideas for a drawing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Inertia happens when you are in a car or on a bus and the driver has to brake suddenly!. You are first thrown forward, then backward!. Nowadays we have 3-point seatbelts, so the seatbelt snaps tight to hold your upper body against the seat!. But many years ago, we only had lapbelts in cars!. When a car came to a sudden stop the upper body was forced forward, often causing whiplash of the neck, or a gash on the chin from where it hit the dashboard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com