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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does the person that wrote the stuff on this site sound like a nutter?

Question: Does the person that wrote the stuff on this site sound like a nutter!?

They sound like a nutter to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. Completely crazy!. It sounds like they are trying to ban the whole fantasy genre!. If there brain isn't developed enough to separate fantasy from reality then that's there problem, not everyone else's!. People like this need help!.

p!.s!. I'm a Christian and love the Harry Potter books!. I'm so sick of people like the author of this article making Christians look so stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't say the person is a nutter, after all who are we to define what is normal and what is crazy!?

I personally think the person has latched on to every possible conspiracy theory regarding Satanism and the occult!. But I guess if guess they truly believe what they are saying about Harry Potter and Pokemon being satanic then that's his choice to believe it!.


HAHA!! YA!!!! I LOVE the Harry Potter series and what is on that website is weird!. your right!.!.!. the guy is a nutter!.

BUT on the other hand!.!.!. he/she sounds christian!. People who strongly believe in god!.!.!. oppose the Harry Potter series because it talk about whichcraft and they are against it, even if its not all bad!. I am Christian but I STill love the series and my mom does to!. We aren't that christian!. So it's just this persons religion!. He is against the HP stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah he sounds crazy i personally can distinguish fantasy from reality and i know that the stuff in example; twilight series, harry potter, and whatever else is fiction!. so yea total nutter :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amen brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep!.!.!.these are the same people who want Huck Finn & Farenheit 451, etc etc banned from schools (and sometimes libraries)

They're nuttier than squirrel poo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My answer is no!. Witchcraft is demonic, however it certainly didn't start with the Harry Potter series!. There have been many books published and many movies made about sorcery and witchcraft for a very long time!. They would all be classified by Christians as demonic!.
Supernatural forces can be either demonic of from God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com