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Question: Is this enough!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
I am currently writing a fantasy book and I have reached the point of 62 pages in A4 size!. *sighs* The book is aimed at children and teens aged about 8-17!. something like that!. does anyone know how may pages this would be in book size!? (i don't mind estimates!) and does anybody know the ideal page limit and length for teens!? even better, any teens out there who can tell me how many pages you like to read in a book!? thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I recently wrote and finished a 30,000 word story and was trying to figure out how many pages it would be if i tryed to get it published!. I picked up a moderately sized paper back and a moderately sized hard-cover and measured the space the words took up *4 3/4 inches by 6 1!.2 inches on one* then i found a boook *harry potter with the font size in it *11!.5 in a font you had to pay for so i used 12 times new roman, each book's font is different* then i changed my book so it was that size and it was just barely uder 200 pages!. Its a long process, but it works!.I used 1!.15 spacing also, judging by my eyesight!.

You can also purchase a book making software that will format your book perfectly for you and will show up as the actual amount of pagesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Someone answered me this before, so I'll use it again because it's good help:

Don't try to rush your story to make it a certain length to appeal to certain people!. It's best to just write it until it's complete!. I'd imagine it should be about the same size as it is now if you scale the font with your page size!.

Hope I could help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You want around 75K words for a "typical" YA novel!.

62 A4 pages doesn't tell me much!. Double space your work, put it in Courier New 12, 1" (2!.5 cm, roughly) margins all around!. That averages approximately 250 words per page and can give you a rough estimate of where you are and how much is left!.

That said, you've got plenty of wiggle room in your story!. If you write 60K or a 100K, you're probably still within the realm of publishability for most companies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forget your word count!. Just tell your story, otherwise you're becoming a slave to the length of the book, and not the master of your story!. The story's the thing!. Concentrate on that!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

Less than 100 pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com