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Question: Simple Lord of the Flies question!?
I need help with this one question!. I have answered it myself for everyone wondering but I need to add more so I want all of your opinions!.!. Thanks so much :)

Do you think the title "Lord of the Flies" is affective!? Why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes it is, since the novel is about the Darkness of Man's Heart, and Beezleebub (another name for the Devil) is literally translated to Lord of the Flies !.!.!. soooo !.!.!.!.

And of course, the pig's head which tried to lure Simon to the dark side, too!. We can't forget that!.

Oh the book made me cry!. Simon's death!. Horrible!. Horrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes because one of the main themes of the book was about the evil that exists in everyone!. (the "beast") and the lord of the flies was that "evil" or that "beast" when simon talked to it!. and then later the theme expands to the whole world, not just the island!. so yes, its basically what the book is about, even though the actual the pig head is only in a little part of the book!.

hope i helped! Www@QuestionHome@Com