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Question: Did you like breaking dawn!?!?!? I HAVEN'T FINISHED READING IT YET!!!
Hey!! I want to get the feeling of those who finished Breaking dawn!! did you like it!? yes!? no!? why!?!?!?!?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i haven't finished it yet either and i think it's ok so far!. i don't like how she did it from jacob's point of view but that's just because i like bella more then jacob!. the thing is i don't think you should read people's opinions untill ur done reading the book because i did that and now i have a sorta of negative feel about breaking dawn because alot of people didn't like it!. i think the book is ok because it takes a bizzare twist from everything- i won't give it away the plot is just a little weird!. i'm not done yet though!.!. i think SM could have done a little better with the plot!. it WASN'T HORRIB!.LE, JUST OKAY her first book in the series was better!.people say the characters where out of character, but so far Edward was only one(i'm only on page 206 or something) but he has an excuse, to be a little out of character i would tell you why but that would give it away! if the book gets better as i read along then it will probably be better then New Moon, but i doubt it, cause the ending is so- UGH!!! hope i answered your questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're going to get 90% of the answers saying it's terrible!

I personally thought it was alright!. Not the best of the series but not the worst (because personally 2 took the cake for me there)!. It's worth reading and it's conclusive so that's good!.

I think it depends on your age on whether or not you'll enjoy it!. I find the younger the reader the more complaints I hear but me and my friends (19 year olds) agree that it wasn't as bad as people are making it!. I feel like the emotions protrayed aren't what some people can understand yet and it's so different from the others emotionally and with certain new priorities that come into play, that some readers are going to miss points completely!. Many have as I've read comments that really are terribly uninformed!. I can't completely blame them but maybe in a few years they'll understand certain things that they are bashing as they see it in a new light!.

If anyone says anything about pedophiles!.!.!.they're lying *rolls eyes*

Hope no one posts spoilers on you :(

Why so serious keeps talking about plot holes but they haven't given a single example!. Not to meantion there is indeed a plot as EVER novel has a plot otherwise it ceases to exist!. I really wish they would explain themselves better obviously not here since no spoilers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn was actually my favorite out of the fofur books in the Twilight Series though a lot of people would totally disagree with me!. There are a few reasons why I think that and I can understand why some people would hate it because it isn't all that realistic!.!.!.!.!.but how realistic can a vampire book be!. I you are a hopeless romantic like myself then odds are you will like it as well!. I think that this book is kinda one that you either hate or love though!. There doesn't seem to be much in between judging from the reviews that I've read!. I would tell you exactly why I liked it so much but I don't want to ruin for you!. My advice is to read and decide for yourself!. I think its fantastic!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


Fantastic ending to the series!. It will keep you guessing throughout the whole book!. There was plenty of twists and drama - most of them sure shockers that none of us could have imagined!.

Remember you are reading a fictional Vampire story - if you are looking for weird moral messages or real life scenarios you should probably pick up a good political biography!

Meyers was not predicitable, the characters grew up and she ended the debate over Team Edward and Team Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hated it!.

There's no plot!.
There are gaping plot holes on every page, and honestly, some of them are as big as the Grand Canyon!.
The characters acted out of character!.
Jake's ending sucked and was the worst ending she could ever have given him!.
The end was anticlimatic!. There was absolutely no action or conflict in this novel!. NONE!.
She introduced way too many new characters!.
She completely dropped the conflicts from the previous novels!. I felt like she forget what she had written in the first three-- this book just doesn't have the Twilight feel to it!.
The writing was pretty bad!.
Some parts of the book dragged on forever, and other parts were too quick!.
She didn't use her characters well!. Some of them were barely in this book!.
She introduced a lot of weird, abstract concepts that she had never mentioned in the previous books!. An author cannot-- CANNOT-- do that!. You can't introduce new concepts in the last book of your series unless you have laid clues in the previous books as to it happening!.

I could go on and on, so all I'll say is that the biggest problem I have with this book is Jake's ending!. It was truly awful and unethical in every way possible!. As a hardcore Jake lover, I felt betrayed!. I felt like she cheated Jake out of the ending he deserved!. The plot holes were awful too!. There are just SO many plot holes!. I felt like I was reading really bad fan fiction!.

The book could have been SO much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was just !. !. !. Okay!. The best part is when it turns to Jacob's point of view, which I'm sure most people enjoyed immensely!. But I found it lackign something, and certain parts of the story were dragged out FAR too much when she could have put more things in, like charcaterization!. Some characters are barely in the story at all, not because they die or anything, but because they aren't mentioned!. It was just not excellent, really!. Felt like someone with a worse take on how the characters should act was writing it!. But take your own opinion on it, and finish it!. Gooid luck! I'm still looking forward to Midnight Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually liked it!. There are SOOO many readers out there who are bashing it!.!. I actually never expected that kind of reaction until I peeled myself away from the book and into the "real world"!.

Anyways, my reason for accepting it would probably be my utter and complete trust in the authors!. I mean the books are THEIR creations and if they say something happened or is capable of happening, it happened!. Okay!. Geez!.!. One comment I have is that I was actually able to guess the things that were supposed to be shocking before it was revealed!. Was it just me!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it!. it had a much more mature sense to it!. and surprisingly, i love how she told the 2nd book from jacobs point of view (i'm not a jacob fan AT ALL) but it wouldn't have worked any other way!. its a great book if you can honestly understand how the characters are feeling!. and it had the perfect ending!. =] all in all, my 2nd favorite!. behind twilight of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not so sure anymore!. i thought it was ok when i read it, but then all the criticism gave me a second opinion!. it was disappointing as you read on and on, but i still have mixed feelings for the book!. all in all, eclipse remains my favorite book in the series!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think why so serious is just being rude b/c the book didn't turn out the way she wanted!.!.!.whatever!. I honestly didn't have a problem with the book although it wasn't my favorite of the series!. It gave me the closure I needed!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i lovedd it
but the charecters seemed differentt in a wayy !.!.!.
and i think i died a little inside wen i saww the words "the end"
i dont think that was a spoiler
if it was , sorryy :\Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMGGGGGGGGG I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE IT!. Nothing turns out the way you expect it!. I stayed up till 2 yesterday just to finish it!. SOOOOOOOOO great!. You will love it i swear and that amii girl is lying no one special diesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your on chapter 3 eh!? Well stop after chapter 6 do not read anymore Its the most terrible book in the series! I am the biggest twilight fan ever I was so annoyed I almost didn't finish it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed it, but it is definitely not my favorite book in the series!. It has some huge plot holes and glaring character problems!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was orgasmic!.
What are you doing online, go finish it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

he dies at the endWww@QuestionHome@Com