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Question: Breaking Dawn From Twilight Saga-- Bella's pregnancy
Well, I've read from twilightlexicon that Stephenie Meyer said:" And since we’re talking physiology…I’ve had tons of people ask if vampires can have babies!. The answer is no!. When someone becomes a vampire, it’s as if they are frozen exactly as they are in that moment!. His or her (and we’ll go with her because it’s more central to this discussion) body no longer experiences change!. Hair does not grow, nor do fingernails (if you cut your hair, you’re stuck!. That’s why Alice’s hair is so short–it was growing back from being shaved in the asylum)!. This applies to all changes–so a woman would no longer have any kind of ovulation cycle!. If she were already pregnant when she was bitten, both she and the fetus would be frozen in that state!. Which would really suck–pregnant for eternity!? I’m shuddering at the thought!.

So, no!. Vampire/human cannot have children, neither can vampire/vampire!."

Well, what confuses me, is how could Bella have gotten pregnant, if it isn't possible according to Stephenie!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This was explained in the book!. Since Bella's body was not frozen, she was still able to be fertile and her body changed as she got pregnant!. Rosalie, for example, is frozen in time and her body cannot change, which it has to to be able to have a baby!. On the other hand, once guys hit puberty, they're pretty much the same until they grow old!. So it doesn't matter that Edward was a vampire, he was probably able to have kids when he became a vampire!.

Stephenie in her answer, technically did not mention what would happen if the human one was a girl!. (Probably trying to keep everything in Breaking Dawn a secret)Www@QuestionHome@Com

She doesn't want to give everything away!. Plus it was always an unknown!. Writers can change things on a thought!. Just because something was one way a second ago doesn't mean it cannot change!.

Change is the only sure thing in life!.

I saw it coming!. Jacob imprinting on Bella & Edward's daughter was a sure fire way to make everything perfect!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

even though i completely agree with you, i think the key is the last line!. i dont remember her ever saying vamp/human cant have kids!. did she reaslly!? i hated them having kids!. especially edward as a dad!. since when ws bella ever maternal!? NEVER!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the fact that she's making up all of the vampire rules in her head, I think that it's safe to say that she can do as she pleases, regardless of what she's said in the past!. Deal with it, folks!. IT'S FICTION!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because bella was not a vampire when she fell pregnant, and therefore was not permanently frozen!. Her body was still able to change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because SM is the master of the Plot Hole!. Www@QuestionHome@Com