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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why is everyone asking so many Breaking Dawn questions--I thought everyone hated

Question: Why is everyone asking so many Breaking Dawn questions--I thought everyone hated it!?
And also, look at Books and Authors from a non Twilight fans point of view--it's drenched in vampire-ness!. When will it go back to its normal flow of different books!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When Stephanie Meyers falls off the face of the earth!. :(

We all got kicked from various other forums, so we just went to the next-best place: Yahoo! Answers!. We're just very shocked at what's happening, and wondering if maybe we accidentally picked up a fanfiction copy of Breaking Dawn!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go read all 4 books!. After that if you're not as crazy as we are please let me know how you did it!. If you are crazy then you can join us in our misery!.
Be patient with us!. Sorry for the vampire-ness you have to suffer through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she still writes great books!.Maybe people think breaking dawn isnt the best book!.i havnt read it so i couldnt tell you my opinion but she wrote a book called "the host"
its breath taking
i love it

I enjoyed it, but I guess people just want to vent if they didn't like it!. I'm sure the section will go back to a "normal flow" fairly soon, although Twilight questions will still be very common!. Www@QuestionHome@Com