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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Am I the only one who had mixed feelings about Breaking Dawn?

Question: Am I the only one who had mixed feelings about Breaking Dawn!?
I assume most people are done with Breaking Dawn by now!. All the super-fans anyway!. I see that a lot of people hate it, and some people liked it!. I have mixed feelings!. There was a lot of good and a lot of bad!.

For example, I loved the chapters that were told from Jacob's point of view!. I think it's great to see the story from a different perspective!. And I NEVER liked Jacob, but I gained a lot of respect for him after realizing what a tough position he was in with the pack!.
I also liked that whole thing with Charlie getting resolved, and of course I loved that everyone ended up happy!.

However, I feel like Nessie was a little much, and I really wish there had been a fight with Volturi!. At first I didn't like that Bella wasn't really "Bella" after the change!. But then I realized that her human life was behind her, this was a fresh start!. All her insecurities were unnecessary!. I never liked her much before, so I found her tolerable after that!.

So I just have really mixed feelings about the book!. Overall, I'd say it was "okay"!. Not great, but not the worse thng I've ever read either!. I'd probably read it again eventually, but for now I'm going with "okay"!.

So is anyone on the fence like I am!? All I've seen is "I HATE IT" or "IT'S AMAZING! OMG!" So who's on the fence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have mixed feelings, but Im leaning more toward the like it side!. I think it was just ALOT to take in and there were so many unexpected suprises it was like she cramed it all into one book so she would be done with the series!. It didnt really match the tempo of the others, but of course after Bella becomes a vamp it would be different!. Im happy that she became a vampire though and they got married!.

As for Nessie, I agree that them having a child might have been a little too much, but it solved the whole thing with Jacob so I guess it was neccecary in a way!. and it gave the reason for the volturi to come!. And it pacified all the people who didnt want Bella to become a vampire because she couldnt have kids!. But still!.!.!.!.

I liked it though!.!.!.at least it kept me on my toes hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

While I'm not on the fence (I'm one of the people who hated it), I have to agree that at least the majority of the Jacob chapters were bearable!. It seemed he was the only one with any sense during the whole pregnancy fiasco!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you, I have very mixed feelings!. I enjoyed it, but it is definitely not my favorite book in the series!. It has some huge plot holes and glaring character problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cried and shook my fist at the world after reading this book!. Then I asked the bookstore for a refund because, "this book obviously wasn't written by the Stephanie Meyers I know!"!.
I got my money back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was torn between laughter at the screaming fangirls who expected a masterpiece, sympathy for disappointed fans, and disgust at Meyer who managed to spit out Marquis de Sade material for teenagers!.

yeah im just like you!.
i really cant decide if i like it or not!. ughh
i think it would be SO much better without nessie and if there was actually a fight with the volturi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk!.!. i hate it alot!.
but i like some parts!.
but it wasn't right!.
i have alot of mixed feelings about this book!.
and my mind keeps on changing!.

at first when i was reading it i was like" yeah this is good ooh cant wait to get to the end"
then bella gets prego and im like WTF!!?!!? it goes down hill after that
then the jake imprinting on her daughter ewwWww@QuestionHome@Com

i am reading her first hunt and i miss the old bella a lot

i hope my feelings will be assuaged but right now they are reallly mixedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I fell the same way im just to confused maybe tomorrow I will decide
still shocked don't know how to think!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

idunno!.!.!.!.i just HAVE to get the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am also on the fence!. I was happy with it at the beginning, with the wedding and all, then Jacob showed up!.!. I was upset that things were so obvious!. I knew on page 105 that Bella was pregnant!. The only thing that truly surprised me was that the baby was a girl!. I figured that since they decided on the name 'Renesmee', it would be a boy!.!. Color me shocked!. I also have a greater respect for Jacob, but IMHO, he shouldn't have played such a large part in the book!. Edward also should have had more moments with Renesmee!.
All in all, I give this book 3 stars!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was all right!.
I mean, Stephenie Meyer is a bit predictable!.
Have you noticed she seems to like happy endings!?
Even in her new book, The Host, it all seems to end happily!.
I'm pretty sure that's what's gonna happen in her sequels!.

There's not a lot of action in her books!.
She writes about feelings, thoughts, and not a lot happens!.
She just puts in a lot of detail to fill you in on the information!.
So there's not a lot of things going on!.!.!.
I'd think she'd be a very talkative person with a lot of thoughts!.

I don't know!.
She's an okay writer, has a big imagination,
but not good with all the exciting action!.

I still like the way she writes though!.
I can't help it, I guess she explains things well!.
But I really wish a lot more action could have taken place!.
Bring on the fights!.
And, I hate to say it, but a little less happiness,
despite the dark mood of her stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I COMPLETELY agree with you!. I mean, it was a good book, but definitely not the best out of them all!. I also think that the Jacob imprinting on Bella and Edward's vamp/human child was a little weird!. The Volturi scene was horrible to me!.!.!. The majority of the third book of Breaking Dawn was about gathering everyone, planning what to do with Nessie and how to handle the Volturi!. After all that, NOTHING HAPPENS! Aro just says "Peace" a whole lot!. Overall, this book was very!.!.!.!. Random!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!. I didn't totally hate the book, like some, but I do think that Twilight and Eclipse were emesly better!. It did upset me that Meyer had always said vamps and humans can't have children!. Then your like WTH! It really ticked me off when Jake imprinted in Renesmee!. It was so predictable!. I told my firends I was afraid that would happen after we found out Bella was having 'a kid'!. I got many phone calls when it happened!.
Meyer shouldn't be hated!. It's not her fault that not everyone enjoyed her book!. i for one did, and can't wait for more of her work!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have mixed feelings!. The lack of a fight with the Volturi was so dumb!. It was like!.!.!.a huge build up to a great battle scene, but then they just say a few words and walk away from the fight!. It was very anti-climactic!.

I think that Renesmee's first name should have been Calie, and I didn't like how having her changed the books focus away from Edward and Bella!.

But I did like the fact that Jacob's book made me like him even though I hadn't like him much before!.

And the blonde jokes were just too funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com