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Question: What was the worst part in Breaking dawn!?
so many to choose from
wat was ur least fav!. partWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When Jake imprinted on Nessie!.
If Nessie would have been left out of this book-- or if she would have been a boy-- and Jake would have ended up with someone else (preferably Leah), Jake imprinting on her COMPLETELY ruined his character (he doesn't even act like JAKE!), plus doesn't Smeyer see how sick and wrong it is to have him end up with the daughter of his first love!? Yeah, ew!. He's gonna have sex with Nessie someday-- which makes Bella the future grandmother of any of his kids, if he has them-- even though he used to fantasize about sex with Bella!?

Gross!. Gross!. Gross!. Gross!. GROSS!.
Mrs!. Meyer, don't you have MORALS!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cant really choose!. I hate that Bella does not lose anything!. No matter choice she makes she still gets everything to work out perfectly !. I also hated that the entire plot was based around a plot hole (Nessie)!. I also hated how horribly anticlimactic it was!. I mean you have this huge build up and then the bad guy just leaves!. also I hated how Bella became even more of a Mary Sue once she became a vampire!. Not only is she immune to all other vampires powers but she is also able to control her blood lust!. I was also disgusted by the fact that Jacob imprinted on a baby!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Bella became pregnant (even though vampires can't sweat, cry, or eat, they can somehow produce sperm and get their food source pregnant!?!!?!!? yeah right)!. The first three books went from Bella and Edward being in love and trying to find a way to be together to the old married couple trying to protect their demon spwan!. It's like they didn't matter anymore to the story!.!.!.!.
Bella wasn't even the same girl we rooted for in the beginning!. She went from an insecure, clumsy, girl-next-door to this lunatic pregnant lady who acted like being a mom was the only reason for her life!. She didn't even think about kids before!.!.!. She didn't even want to get married for crying out loud!

worst ever: Bella's pregnancy!. Her clinging to Rosalie and the creature that is killing her!. its weird she so delusional shes like "Im strong ill make it right Rosalie" "of course Bella"

2nd worst: Jacob imprinting on Renesmee!. ICK good for Bella when she attacked him!.

3rd worst!. Alice leaving Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't believe i just read this, and i haven't even read the book yet! I could just kill myself!!! Bella has a baby!? And Jake imprints on her daughter!? How did Bella have a baby!!!!?!?!?!!!
Jake IMPRINTS on her daughter!!!!?!?!?!!!
This totally ruined the book for me; i don't know if I even want to read it anymore!
(For some reason, i always thought that Jacob would imprint on Bella's mom!. i don't know why!.)

Can someone PLEASE tell me that Bella's daughter's father is Edward, please!?!?!?!!!!?!?!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

NESSIE!. Ugh!. Every part with her in it made me want to rip the page out!.
And then the parts after Jake imprinted on her!. :(

Those are only two!. I have a whole list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book is wrong, sick, disgusting!. I would say the Bella-begging-for-sex part!. It's so not her character uggh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The parts when Bella becomes pregnant, Jacob imprints on Nessie, and the all the parts when Bella is being a *****!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The whole book is just sick!.

EDIT: To me it seemed like Meyer couldn't kill anyone good!.!.!. So she just had Alice LEAVE instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when she got pregnant and almost everything after thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Alice leaving!. I love Alice!. And it was like she even wasn't in the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

everything past chapter 4!.!.!.!. I can't believe she did that!.!.!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

everything about that stupid baby!.
jake imprinting on it, it even being there in the first place!


the babyWww@QuestionHome@Com


I cannot even find words to show my disgustWww@QuestionHome@Com