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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Am I the only one that is okay with the Breaking Dawn ending?

Question: Am I the only one that is okay with the Breaking Dawn ending!?
I'm tired of people hating on this book, just because it wasn't the ending they wanted!. Everyone loved the first three, so why turn your back on the whole series just because the last book wasn't so great!? Meyer did not write these books for the fans pleasure, she wrote it for her own!. I don't think anyone has the right to say she's on crack or that she's lost it!. Who cares!? It's a book!. It's not meant to be realistic!. I also think anyone who thinks Jake is a pedo needs to grow up!. He imprinted on her, meaning he will be her guardian until she is old enough for some kind of relationship!. I can understand that it is a little odd, but again, it's just a book!. People need to understand that books don't always turn out like you want them to!.

I can't wait until this "MEYER SUCKS AND SHE LOST IT" phase is over so I can go buy the book and enjoy it without being harassed!.

Yeah, so basically, am I the only one who actually likes the ending!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I'm actually ticked off because all these people spoiled it for me!.
But whatever it's my fault for looking!.!.!.
I'm not mad about the book at all! It makes sense!. Stephanie said VAMPIRES cannot reproduce!. But Bella wasn't a vampire on the honeymoon and obviously Edwards!.!.!.umm you know what I mean!.!.!.works still lol!. The Jacob imprinting on Bella's daughter makes sense, and if anyone read the other books and tried to understand them they would actually understand the imprinting thing!.
I will still buy it tomorrow and read it!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know it's not meant to be realistic, but that doesn't mean it's okay to have gaping plot holes and to change your mind about plot devices you had previously said were impossible!. I'm no stranger to disappointment, Harry Potter didn't end exactly the way I wanted it to, but at least Rowling was true to her characters and to the other books!. To me Breaking Dawn just read like a piece of fanfiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From what I have seen, you are the only one!. Jake IS a pedo!. The second one in the wolf pack!. (She could have at least avoided using that scenario twice!.) There were plenty of teenage girls in the story he could have imprinted on instead of a baby!. It's creepy and Jake was such a nice guy, too!. The fact that Meyer saw that as a "happy ending" for Jake is sick!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

So over the course of 4 books, Bella's whole character arch is:

"find a guy who's a gorgeous controlling vampire, and deep down he wants to kill you, but won't because he loves you!. You fall in love with him!. You get married and have babies!. THE END!. Oh, and a guy you once snogged and loved you is gonna end up doing it with your daughter!."

And the author is a Mormon you say!? Naww!.!.!.wouldn't have guessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um, yes, actually, i think you are!.

and jacob's not a pedophile!?!? *snort* he's gonna be uncle jake one day, the next day trying to feel her up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably!. Unless the majority of the population are suddenly pedophilia supporters, I think!.

what is the ending!? everyone is telling me how bella and ed have mutant vampire babies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just feel bad for Stephenie!.!.!.

What is Alec's power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Luthien is my heroWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yea ma'am I hated the ending!

LathernT and Pax-C are my heroes!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's!.!.!.just WRONG!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i actually dont mind, because i mean sure its over!.!.!.
BUT its not!. see the ending is just a new beginning
in other words!.!.!.!. there is gonna be MIDNIGHT SUN coming out in i dont know
but its still not ending
and i just hope that all of you bloody blokes stop harrassing the dear author!.!.
i mean for crying out loud!.!.!. isnt she the one who brought us the epic vampire saga!?!?!?
so just please stop with all of this nonsence i!.e!. "meyer sucks and she lost it"
you are all acting like big insolent babys!
and dont say "what if i ACTUALLY am a baby!?"
well all i have to say is yes and you are a smart mouth too!.


I think you are the only one!. I have read the book earlier than most of you, and yesterday I came here to tell everyone not to waste money for the last book!. Nothing!. No one cared, and a lot just gave me thumbs downs!. It is really sad to know that these girls spent bucks for the 'party' and just ended up crying!.

What made you think that Jake is not a pedo!? Seriously, he is!. I, too, feel sad because Jacob is my only favorite character in the series!.

The ending sucked so much!. I threw the 4 books in my garage!. Now, Twilight is just a nightmare, at least for me!. Www@QuestionHome@Com