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Question: Why is everyone hating on Stephenie Meyer!?
Breaking Dawn came out and all of a sudden all of her fans just turn on her!. She wrote an ending that no one was expecting and you all hate it!? She made someone so Jacob could imprint on and left Bella and Edward together just like most of her fans were hoping for!. I haven't read the book yet, but i have gone through these questions and you guys are pretty harsh on her!. If the ending would have been just like all of you were predicting then what fun would it be to read it!? At least she changed things up a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Omg!. Thank you so much for saying this!. I get so annoyed with people that are complaining about the ending!. Meyer wrote these books for herself, not the fans pleasure!. She had this story figured out after she finished Twilight!. She isn't going to do some special arrangement just for those whining fans!. I think the ending is fine!. I really don't know what's wrong with it!. Everyone wins!. Just because Jake imprints on a baby, it doesn't mean it's disgusting!. Anyone who thinks that doesn't understand what imprinting means!. He's going to look after her, like a guardian, not have wild werewolf sex with it!.

I'm glad to finally find someone who agrees with me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not just what you mentioned, it's more!. Her style changed, and when Bella turned into a vampire her personality changed!. Meyer went against her own rules that vampires can't have any children and ruined the Jacob character for those who liked him by making him imprint on Bella and Edwards daughter who, and this is another upset, is given the terrible name 'Nessie'!. Sure, she changed things up a bit, but the qualities in the first three twilight books that eevryone loves were absent in this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am surprised at the book, but i deff dont hate her nor am i 'turning my back' on the series!. Im just getting at good laugh at the fans who didn't believe the spoilers to begin with,

yes this project, this series was Stephenie Meyers since the beginning!. it started out as something just for her personal enjoyment, it was her 'baby' i guess you could say so she can choose whatever way she ends it!. she shouldn't have to do anythings for the fans although i think this book is going to change alot of their fans opinions about her!.!.!. =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I tell you!.!.I've read the Twilight Saga (up to 3rd book) I never had an exuberant liking for the books as so many had had!. But still I respect others likes and dislikes!.I think I'm gonna read the book Breaking Dawn the same way I did the other 3!.!.!.so no big deal if its really awful!.!.!.cuz I didn't find the other 3 great!.

Surprises and mysteries are too little in The Twilight Saga!. So I wouldn't care if she ends the story with Jake marrying Nessie!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She made someone for Jacob to imprint on!? Hon, there were plenty of young girls at the school who he could have chosen!. Instead he chooses a baby bampire!. You consider that a happy ending!? Bella and Eddie live happily ever after!.!.!. and Jake ends up a Pedo!. The woman is sick sick sick!., Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yeah, she sure did change things up - she reached a whole new level of ridiculous while simultaneously falling into her own plot holes!.

I wonder where this genius author everyone was talking about just a few days ago went!. Obviously Meyer's isn't the only one lacking in logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I despise Meyer for her horrible influences but I'm laughing at her ex-fans!. Told you they were awful!. Now they'll go back, disenchanted, and realize the first 3 were just as awful!.

Most are going crazy because BD defies all logic!. None of it made any sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know how you feel! I feel so bad for SM, she deserves better than how her fans are treating her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it was a steaming pile of garbage!.
Read the book first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com