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Question: Breaking Dawn Chapters AFTER 14!?!?
How are people reading all of Breaking Dawn!? Does anyone know where I can read Breaking Dawn chapters after chapter 14!? If you have them please email them to me or provide me a link!.

*PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!!*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe she can't read or buy the whole book in just a few hours because maybe she's not living in America!. The book is not released in every country at the same time!. I have to wait 8 more days to be able to buy book in English but I have to wait 'till the end of January to buy it in my native language!. And you can't have chapters after 14, they did not leaked, at least not yet!. Some girls have them but won't leak them!. Wait a two or three days more, the whole book will be available to download!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are reading all of Breaking Dawn because they probably got the book where and when it wasn't supposed to come out (like I did)!. And i dont think you can get more than 14 chapters on the internet because people still want you to read the book!. And some of them are most likely fake anyway because there are some selfish people out there who say they would leak the book and then change somethings so they aren't real and etc!. I suggest you just get the book tomorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what i am wondering is where you got the chapters 2-13!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

just wait a few more hours and you can read the whole thing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, i do! I THE BOOK! Www@QuestionHome@Com