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Question: Rangers apprentice book one any good!?
i just bought rangers apprentice book 1,2 and 3 has any one read them theres 5 out and 2 more coming out has any one read them and likes it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! I've read them all and I love them! book one is not my favorite, but I love all of the others! It's definitely worth reading all of them, in order!. If you like fantasy books, you'll like Rangers Apprentice, It's set in a medieval type place called Araluen, (the equivalent of England) and a little bit of it involves a war, so I guess you could call it a little bit like lord of the rings, but not really!. These books are a great read, and I would recommend looking at the Rangers Apprentice website!.

also, there are seven out, in Australia, with two more coming!. We get them all first, because the author is Australian, and therefore, the books don't have to go through another publishing house before being released!.
btw, I am 12, though very mature for my age (or so my mum says, I'm not sure whether I agree)Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm there are only three out actually!. two more are coming!. they were pretty good, but more of a kids read than something you can really enjoy at any age!. im fourteen, and i thought they were good!. Www@QuestionHome@Com