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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If you could have just one book with you, which one would your have and why?

Question: If you could have just one book with you, which one would your have and why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A dictionary!.!.!.!.Because I like them!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore!.

This book is about the supposed missing years of Jesus, told from the perspective of Biff, Jesus' best friend!. The angel Raziel brings Biff back to write his gospel so that the world will know what happened with Jesus between the ages of 12-33!. It's an awesome book!!!!!! I love it! In the book, Jesus' name is Joshua!.

Here's a small excerpt: This happens right after Joshua tries to raise a woman from the dead for the first time and fails!. Joshua is talking to Biff, telling him that he knows the people are ready for a Messiah because he hears them talk about it, and he asks Biff he has to show him that he is come!.

Biff: I'm pretty sure the Messiah is supposed to have a beard!.

Joshua: So, it's not time yet, is that what you're saying!?

Biff: Right, Josh, I'm goiong to know when you don't!. God sent a messenger to me and he said, 'By the way, tell Joshua to wait until he can shave before he leads my people out of bondage!.

Joshua: It could happen!.

Biff: Don't ask me, ask God!.

Joshua: That's what I've been doing!. He's not answering!.

It had been getting darker by the minute in the olive grove, and I could barely see the shine in Josh's eyes, but suddenly the area around us was lit up like daylight!. We looked up to see the dreaded Raziel descending on us from above the treetops!. Of couse I didn't know he was the dreaded Raziel at the time, I was just terrified!. The angel shone like a star above us, his features so perfect that even my beloved Maggie's beauty paled by comparison!. Joshua hid his face and huddled against the trunk of an olive tree!. I guess he was more easily surprised by the supernatural than I was!. I just stood there staring with my mouth open, drooling like the village idiot!.

Raziel: Fear not, for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all men!. For on this day, in the city of David, is born a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!.

Then he hovered for a second, waiting for his message to sink in!.
Joshua uncovered his face and risked a glance at the angel!.

Raziel: Well!?

It took me a second to digest the meaning of the words, and I waited for Joshua to say something, but he had turned his face skyward and seemed to be basking in the light, a silly smile on his face!.

Finally I pointed a thumb at Joshua and said, "He was born in the city of David!."

Raziel: Really!?

Biff: Yep!.

Raziel: His mother's name is Mary!?

Biff: Yep!.

Raziel: She's a virgin!?

Biff: He has four brothers and sisters now, but at one time, yes!.

The angel looked around nervously, as if he might expect a multitude of the heavenly host to show up at some point!.

Raziel (To Joshua): How old are you kid!?

Joshua just stared, smiling!.

Biff: He's ten!.

The angel cleared his throat and fidgeted a bit, dropping a few feet toward the ground as he did so!.

Raziel: I'm in a lot of trouble!. I stopped to chat with Michael on the way here, he had a deck of cards!. I knew some time had passed, but!.!.!.kid!.!.!.were you born in a stable!? Wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger!?

Joshua said nothing!.

Biff: That's the way his mom tells it!.

Raziel (To Biff): Is he retarded!?

Biff: I think you're his first angel!. He's impressed, I think!.

Raziel: What about you!?

Biff: I'm in trouble because I'm going to be an hour late for dinner!.

Raziel: I see what you mean!. I'd better get back and check on this!. If you see some shepherds watching over their flocks by night would you tell them- uh, tell them-that at some point, probably, oh- ten years ago, that a Savior was born!? Could you do that!?

Biff: Sure!.

Raziel: Okey-dokey!. Glory to God in the highest!. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men!.

Biff: Right back at you!.

Raziel: Thanks, bye!.

And as quickly as he had come, the angel was gone in a shooting star and the olive grove went dark again!. I could just make out Joshua's face as he turned to look at me!.

Biff: There you go!. Next question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably the biggest harry potter book!.!.

i havent read it for AGES and i suppose i should do!.!.!. just to ruin the film for myself as i have given up expecting the films to be anything like the books!.!.!.

(sorry i do like harry potter really)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Fountainhead
It is pretty much the most amazing read ever
It is like my bible, yes that amazingWww@QuestionHome@Com

They Thirst by Robert McCammon
It's a great Vampire book and I've read it that many times it's like an old friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh man i've read a lot of great books!!!

but i think i'll go with Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson!. it's a really great book!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sunshine by Norma Klein
Because its hippie feeling makes me feel comfortable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephen King's The Stand - no matter how many times I read it I find something new each time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight!. Or Eclipse!. Www@QuestionHome@Com


would i be able to get books out, just one at a time, or one book for the rest of my life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

persuasion its a great bookWww@QuestionHome@Com


The Lord of the Rings!. It's long enough to keep me occupied forever!. And who doesn't love hobbits!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any of the Twilight books!.

Preferably New Moon!. It's great if you need a good cry :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the holy bible

The complete works of Jane Austen (yes, it's one book)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The quranWww@QuestionHome@Com

ross ocarrol kelly_funny and enjoyable to readWww@QuestionHome@Com

bible jkWww@QuestionHome@Com

my checkbook!. that way i can have at least some fun!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com