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Question: Would my diary be worth keeping and publishing!?
I know it has to be controversial and interesting, so here it is!. I have accounts of discrimination from my family members, students at school, "friends", teachers, and even complete strangers because of my homosexuality!. The discrimination concerns things such as lower grades, verbal/physical harassment, ect resulting in depression, self injury, attempted suicide, and other things!. My question is: Is this controversial enough to be published!? I know that there have been diaries based on prejudice because of gender, skin color, religion, ect, so please give me your opinion!. The diary was started when I was 12(age of coming out) and is still going (I'm fourteen now)!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh, definitely!. Every story is worthy of being told, as long as it's well written!.

It sounds like you have some real eye-opening stuff in there (lower grades -- wtf!? REALLY!?) and I'm sure a LOT of people would benefit from hearing your story!.

Keep writing until you've got a good "ending" (like graduating from high school, finding a steady partner, something uplifting that would "end" your story on an happy note), and then transcribe the whole thing to the computer, spell-check it, edit it for grammar, print it out, find an adult with good English skills to edit it again for you, then solicit writing agents!.

Good luck! ;o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, a diary like yours could teach millions of people!

However, if it is not so descriptive, try taking it up, day by day and add more colour to it, yet try to keep true to the real facts!.

Never give up, everyone's life is a story worth written!.
Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

It may be!. Is it written well!? Does it have a continuous theme!? And, the most important thing to consider, will anyone be offended if you published it!? Answer these questions first, edit your diary, and then think about publishing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try it out on Open Diary!.
