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Question: Why doesnt edward use a condom!?
all he cares about is bellas safety and yet he doesnt use a condom!? haha this question isnt meant to be taken serious i dont even believe the rumors but seriously edward is such a hypocriteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because he can't get Bella pregnant!. Rumors aren't true!.

I once read a funny fanfic where Edward was buying condoms at Walmart, not because he's worried about pregnancy, but if all bodily fluids are venom, he doesn't want to harm Bella!. (if you understand)!. So he asks the lady working if the pharmacy if the condom would hold rattlesnake venom (cuz he can't say vampire venom)!. Then he brings Emmet for advice on which to get and Emmett is excited about all the flavors and stuff, and starts talking really loud!. Alice see this in a vision and brings everyone to watch!. And totally embarresses Edward!.!.!.

that was off topic, but if was really funny!.

But he shoud use one, because if all bodily fluids are venom, I don't think it would be safe for them to do *it* unprotected!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't call him a hypocrite!. Condoms don't protect from anything but babies!.!.!. and he really doesn't have to worry about that, lol!. ^^
Obviously I don't believe the rumors either!. haha!.

!.!.!. I don't like the feeling of defending Edward!.!.!. it makes me think I'm somehow betraying Jake, lol!. >!.<:Www@QuestionHome@Com

having read the first 14 chapters!. lol!. im gonna have to agree!. i guess they just didn't think anything could really happen or maybe he was so nervous he just forgot!. condoms are very human things so edward probably didn't even think about it!. but i'm surprised bella wouldn't!.!.!.IF those rumors are true!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read somewhere that contraceptives wouldn't work anyways!. Because Edward is a magical incubus! xD

Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow!. I still have hope they're not true!.!.!.but if they are Meyer fails at life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He has no sperm so there should be no need!. He has never had sex so no STDs or anything!.

The chapters are fake by the way, Breaking DOWN! LOL <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he doesn't know that he could get Bella pregnant!.