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Question: Okay, that's not fair to the rest of us
I just posted a question about the Breaking Dawn spoilers!. A few people have answered with something along the lines of:

"If you don't like the spoilers, get the hell off the internet!."

That's really not fair to the people who come on Y!A to ask actual questions regarding THEIR own original content!. I mean, I'm a writer, and I come on the B/A section to ask, and answer questions from fellow writers/readers!. It's not fair that we have to leave the internet because people are bombarding Y!A with BD spoilers in the wrong sections!. I'm honestly about to join that flipping drinking game thing!

Anyone else bugged by all this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wish Yahoo would have stopped fighting in the board room long enough to open a specific section for all this Twilight nonesense!. I can't wait until school starts so we get more people asking intelligent questions!. Frankly, I could care less where the BD party is or what they are wearing to it!. SIGH!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, very much so! Gaaah! All of my answers on this section today have been getting increasingly frustrated!. I think I shall just get off the internet!. I don't like the spoilers, but really, I don't think that half of them are even true!. This whole Nessie thing is absurd!. I want to read it, but I'm not even getting it until next week! Aaaaah!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you should have to stay off the internet!.!.!.but you are perfectly in control of choosing whether or not to click on the Breaking Dawn questions!. You have that right!.!.!.just like they have the right to post what they want!.
It's called freedom of choice!.!.!.be glad you have it!

Lol!. You copy+pasted my answer!.

Okay, I'm sorry!. I will not post spoilers in my questions anymore!.
But they might be in the details!. So if it says *spoiler*, just don't read it!.


i totally agree!. and you know what!? it's only going to be worse tomorrow!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

well in a way they kinda are right but i wouldn't put it that way, now that spoilers are leaked you can be sure it wont be safe anywhere on the internet so your best bet is to stay off line completely till you have the book in your hands!. Or just dont read the spoilers, I mean most of the spoiler related questions do have the word *spolier* in it so once you see that just leave that question or if they start off by saying "i just read the first few chapters of BD" then you know thats going to be a spoiler so dont even bother reading that either!.

edit-- no ones asking you to leave the internet, just dont read the spoilers!.Its just like anti twilighters TRY to do when the Y/A authors/ book section is bombarded with the same twilight questions every day!. Dont worry the spoilers will be put to rest come tonight at midnight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com