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Position:Home>Books & Authors> The Life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell. 10 points for best answer :) Thanks

Question: The Life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell!. 10 points for best answer :) Thanks~
Which of Johnson's traits is most memorable!? His brilliance, prejudices, or his eccentricities!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
His brilliance and his eccentricities! He possessed a phenomenal memory and could quote extensively from his reading!. From an early age he developed the habit of never finishing a book!. And yet Adam Smith (who was no admirer of Johnson) admitted that Johnson 'knew more about books than anyone else!.'

Once he was employed to write a catalogue for a personal library which consisted of hundreds of volumes!. He would skim through each volume in order to be able to write a brief description of the work!. Nevertheless, occasionally he would encounter something interesting and his reading would slow down!. His employer (who was paying Johnson next to nothing for this Herculean task) once saw Johnson engrossed thus and proceeded to berate his employee for being too slow and wasting time!. Johnson (who was a large man) grabbed the nearest object--which happened to be a massive Gutenberg Bible--and floored his employer with it!.

There are many amusing anecdotes concerning this man, but the two I mentioned are my favorites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com