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Question: Fantasy or Sci-Fi Book Recommendations needed!
Hi, I am needing some new books to read!. I LOVE fantasy/sci-fi books!. To give you an idea of the kind of books I enjoy reading I'll give you a list of some I have already read and enjoyed!. All the Harry Potter novel, I Am Legend, Chronicles Of Narnia, The Dark Material Trilogy, All of Ann Rice novels, Erogon and Eldest (i'm definatly buying Bresinger when it comes out)!. Now if anyone can recommend some new books for me to read I would GREATLY appreciate it!. I've been searching on amazon and all the book websites, reading about alot of books and reading peoples comments on them!. But I would love some real time recommendations and opinions on some good fantasy/sci-fi books!. Thanks in advance!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have answered this question so many times, I decided to dedicate a web site to answer this question!. Here it is:


Included is a list of only the best sorcery fantasy books, grade reading level, a short review of each book along with a brief summary of adult content!. There is also HP fan fiction, a "Readers' Choice" list of favorite books, and a list of heroine sorcery fantasy books!.

All of the following are excellent scifi (author, followed by books)!.

Jules Verne - free online
Journey to the Center of the Earth (my favorite scifi)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Mysterious Island

H G Wells - free online, and roughly half-length novels
War of the Worlds
The Time Machine (downer ending)
The Invisible Man (unlike many IM stories, he's a villain!. This is the original)

Isaac Asimov
I, Robot (you *must* read this - the only "must read" scifi)
Elijah Baley books - http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Elijah_Bale!.!.!. excellent both as scifi *and* as murder mysteries - the best of both worlds (warning: adult content in the 3rd book)
Foundation Series - *the* classic scifi trilogy

Andre Norton - *the* classic female scifi author, most of her books involve "coming of age" and pure scifi adventure
her best: Star Man's Son (also titled 2250 A!.D!.)
other excellent:
Judgment on Janus
Forerunner series
Central Control series
Solar Queen series
The Time Traders (Atlantis, magic - very cool!)
The Zero Stone

You may also like Andre Norton's "Moon Called", a woman with psychic and magical powers comes of age in a post-nuclear holocaust world with - well, wait until you meet the *real* villains!

Another excellent: Mrs!. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH!. Though written for younger readers, I read this recently and it is great! Better than the movie (which was also pretty good)!.

I hope this helps!.


For stories about a future stranger and sometimes more wondrous than fantasy, look for stories by an author named Cordwainer Smith!. His books and stories are not easy to find, but a check at Amazon!.com, alibris and abebooks will reveal some new and used copies for sale!.
His novel "Norstrillia" is about a boy in a far distant future, who, in a quest to buy some rare stamps, buys the entire planet of Earth, and changes the destiny of its people!.
The stories (sometimes called "The Instrumentality of Mankind") concern a future of several generations of explorers, wanderers, lovers, martyrs, wars and rulers, some wise, some foolish, some innocent, some destined for greatness!.
Anyone who loves science fiction and fantasy ought to at least read some Cordwainer Smith, to see what the best is like!.
I hope you give him a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you really love fantasy books try reading the Dark Elf Trilogy by RA Salvatore, or anything else by him!. He is an amazing author! also you should consider the Dragonlance books by Margret Weiss and Tracy Hickman!. The whole series have been very good reads!. If you aren't into the Dungeons and Dragons stuff you could also try Terry Goodkind's books!. The 1st one is Wizards First Rule!. You will not be sorry if you read Goodkind's books they are fantastic!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The House on the Borderland , The Ghost Pirates or The Night Land written by William Hope Hodgson !.

some fantasy series:
Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series
George R!.R!. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series
(both of these are "mature" books, with very graphic parts)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the amulet of samarkand by jonathon stroud!. its amazing!.
the simoquin prophecies by samit basu!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well to get lots of good suggestions, go to whatshouldireadnext!.com and they will give you lots of suggest of what you should read next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try "twilight" by stephenie meyer its a whole series they r the BEST EVERWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some books/series that I have really enjoyed that you might also be interested in:

Karen Traviss - Wess'Har series, starting with City of Pearl!. A group is sent to find a missing human colony!. When they arrive, they find the missing colony, as well as an immortal guardian, fragile indigenous beings and a third race seeking to colonize the planet!. The planet also has a valuable secret which the guardian is trying to protect - the secret to his immortality!. This is a well written and very interesting series!.
Larry Niven - Ringworld series!. A multi-species group travels to the distant and massive Ringworld to try to discover some of its' secrets!. An exploration/journey story along the lines of Lord of the Rings in which the travelers meet many strange and interesting beings and try to avoid the dangers and security measures the creators of the Ringworld built!.
SM Stirling - The Sky People, In the Courts of the Crimson Kings!. Classic pulp sci-fi in the style of HG Wells or Jules Verne!. Man has colonized Venus and Mars, but find them already peopled by humans!. As they try to colonize the world and establish friendships with the "local" inhabitants, they try to figure out how these worlds came to be colonized!. Lots of fun to read and a real throwback to classic sci-fi!.
Douglas Adams - Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy!. A must-read for any fan of sci-fi!. Story about one man being saved from the end of the Earth by an intergalactic friend!. Very funny and fun to read - tons of great characters and very funny situations and dialogue!.
Charles Stross - Glasshouse!. In the distant future, technology allows man to enter into virtual worlds!. One man, trying to escape being murdered for something he doesn't know he knows, enters into a virtual anthropology experiment trying to discover how humans lived in the 20th century, only to find that he was followed and must figure out who is following him and trying to kill him!.

Charles Stross - The Merchant Princes, starting with The Family Trade!. A woman discovers she can world walk - cross over into a parallel Earth in which she is part of the local nobility which is embroiled in a clan struggle for superiority and survival!. She also discovers a third world and sets up enterprises to try to create her own little empire!.
JRR Tolkien - The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings!. If you haven't already read these, add these to your list!. These are the inspiriration or basis for many current fantasy books, including Eragon and Eldest!.

Alternate History
Harry Turtledove - Worldwar series!. Aliens attempt to conquer Earth for colonization, expecting a Medieval level civilization but instead arrive in the middle of WW II!. In order to avoid colonizations, humans must cooperate and form some unusual alliances to try to defeat the aliens!.
Harry Turtledove - Crosstime Traffic series!. In the not-too-distant-future, we have learned how to cross over into parallel universes which have developed slightly differently from our timeline!. In some of these worlds, the Roman Empire or Nazi Germany still exist or the South did not lose the Civil War!. Teens travel and work with their families in these parallel universes to help bring needed natural resources back to their timeline and often face danger as they learn about these new worlds!.


Hi, you might want to try my own recently published book, entitled "The Tales of Tanglewood: The Lon Dubh Whistle"!.

You can download the first three chapters for free, at http://www!.talesoftanglewood!.com

Within the pages of the book, readers will discover Colin, a child who is fully aware of the hidden world of myth and wonder hiding within the woods just beyond his home, long kept secret by old magic!. Only the fey magic which runs through his veins has enabled Colin to find what others cannot; the Tanglewood, the 'wood within the woods!.

Full of odd characters and creatures of the fey, the Tanglewood is a world of magnificent folklore come to life!. As Colin begins to explore the Tanglewood, he will find friendship with the ferrish Ailfrid, the elfin girl Deidre, and Doc Muffingrow, a wise druid!.

Colin will also find that there is much magic in himself, as well as dangerous enemies who will not let him find solace in the wood so easily!. Ailil, King of the Sprites and ruler of The Below, has laid claim to his spirit, and Colin will need the help of his friends and quite a bit of magic to save himself!.

The Tanglewood is a place like no other, and Colin is a boy like no other!. Throughout his adventures, he will uncover the secret of the fey blood within him, and help dispel the poisonous corruption and hidden dangers that threaten the inhabitants of the wood and the Tanglewood itself!.

For more details and to download the first three chapters for free, go to http://www!.talesoftanglewood!.com

or you can check out the reviews at Amazon!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!!!! You have to read Twilight! It absolutely fits the kind of books you like! There are three books in the series and the fourth book is actually coming out today(it will be the last in the series)!. They are the best books i have EVER read!. They are fantasy and have some romance in them!. Twilight is the first book, New Moon is the second, Eclipse is the third, and Breaking Dawn is the fourth (coming out today!)!. They are by Stephenie Meyer!. If you like Harry Potter then you will definitely love these books, Stephenie Meyer is said to be "the next J!.K!. Rowling"!. You might even like the Twilight Series better than Harry Potter, I did!. Another book is The Host!. It is also by Stephenie Meyer, it's sci-fi!. I thought it was good, but not great!. You may like it more, since you like sci-fi!.

But you have to read Twilight! You will fall in love with it! The summary sounds a little cliche and cheesy but the book is wonderful!. It is about a 17 year old girl who falls in love with a vampire, his name is Edward and you will love him too!. Most of the book is about her and Edward and how they have the problem that he isn't human!. Then something terrible happens!.!.!. It is a young-adult book so don't read it if your real young, if your over 13 it will be fine!. In the second book something really bad happens!. You'll have to read it!