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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Okay im 15 years old and im writing my second book, but how can i get it publish

Question: Okay im 15 years old and im writing my second book, but how can i get it published!?
okay i already finished my first book but its not published and i started the sequel to the first one and then started a third book to another series but i have no idea how anyone is gonna take a 15 yeard old african american girl seriously in this business please help!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is a wonderful place to start!. You can self-publish a book at a very low cost!. You can sell it online, or once you get a hard copy, maybe take it to some book stores to see if they will carry a few copies for you!. I guess the only other way is to send a manuscript to publishers!. I'm sure you could find some online but they get so many that it's hard for that to work!. Good Luck!!!


I enclosed the link to the paperback section, poke around on the site as there are various options!.

Oh, and please don't consider your race a factor in your being taken seriously!. That's not fair to you and that makes an unfair assumption to anyone you may deal with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first thing you have to do is not to self-publish it (especially online)!. Never do that if you want to be a well-known and respected writer!. If you want to know what I mean, go to Persiphone_Hellecat's profile!.

Edit the book again and again!. If you have the money, consider editing it professionally (by this, I mean that you should let older and professional editors/ proofreader edit and proofread for you)

Then, ask opinions!. lots and lots of them!. Edit again!.

When you think it is perfect, or atleast near perfection, research agents and publishing companies whom you think match your novel's theme!. (get a copy of Writer's handbook or Writer's Market or go to absolutewrite!.com)

Since this is your first time, I think you should get an agent so SHE can represent the book for you!. In this way, the publishing job will be easier!. (and yes, you have to pay them when your book gets published)

when you find an agent, never call them!. write a query letter first!. (Sorry, I don't know how to make those yet) WRITING A LETTER IS THE WAY OF COMMUNICATION IN THE WORLD OF PUBLISHING/ WRITING!.

After that, you'll need to write tons of stuff but the agent will guide you!. And don't believe that a teen can't be published; the youngest person to write a novel (and got published) was 6 years old!.

I suggest you get a copy of "Your First Novel" because it teaches you how to write and publish your first novel, as shown in the title!. The book also contains great infos, instructions and websites, which can help you a lot!.

Bye for now and feel free to e-mail me anytime if you need help!.


I have a better idea for you, why don't you collect some money and then purchase a good handy cam (Video Camera) and start shooting the whole story with your friends and family (as story characters)!.It would be a fun and your dream will also come true!. But i m sorry i don't know any publisher!.

Please buddy if you find one please tell me on my Email ID: karanstyle@live!.com or at karanthkanu@yahoo!.com!.

Cause i am writing pop songs and do u know any way i can publish them but my voice is not that like of a pop singer!.

Is there any idea you can suggest me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to the bookstore and look at the books that are similar to yours!. find out the publisher!.

go to their websites and click on 'submission guidelines'!.

follow the instructions!.

good luck and KUDOS to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

they should there has not been problems obout thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

are they more then 5 pages!? if so go to publishmybook!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

idk but u need to chiill the mofuck out and partyWww@QuestionHome@Com