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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What the heck is Breaking Dawn, and what's a good costume that's related

Question: What the heck is Breaking Dawn, and what's a good costume that's related to it!?
Okay so my friend is all crazy about this book called Breaking Dawn being released!.
Seriously, she went nuts!.
Anyway, I agreed to go with her to this book store thingy where I'm guessing there's gonna be a ton of other people going psycho about the book!.
And she's like we have to dress up!.
So I need help with making a costume!.
also, it'd be great if someone could explain to me why this book is so important to my friend, that'd be great!.
'Cause I'm clueless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Breaking Dawn is the final, and fourth, book of the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer!. It's pretty much about a girl (Bella) who falls in love with a vampire (Edward), but Edward is completely against turning Bella into a vampire!. Their relationship is further complicated by Jacob who is a werewolf and Bella's best friend along with vampires that want to hurt Edward and Bella!.

If you want to dress up as Jacob, you would have to have a ponytail and darkish skin!. He is technically Indian (Native American)!.
Charlie is Bella's dad and is the chief of the Forks Police Squad!.
If you want to be Edward (I'm guessing your friend would most likely want to be Bella or Alice who is Edwards sister), you need to look extremely pale, with dark, bruise-like, shadows under your eyes!. Dress somewhat classy, but still teenager-ish!.
Emmet is another vampire and is buff!. Jasper is a fledgling vampire and is dating Alice!.
Carlisle is like the father to Edward and is a doctor!.
You could also be a villian, but your friend probably wouldn't prefer that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. how do you NOT know what Breaking Dawn is!?
2!. since you don't know about twilight, your friends gonna need to help you!. if you're a guy, dress up like a werewolf or vampire, if you're a girl, dress up like a normal teenage girl, or female vampire!.
3!. this book is important cause the series is AMAZING!!!!! once you read them, you'll know why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its the fourth book in the twilight saga by stephenie meyer!. Its an okay book but personally i thought it was ONLY okay, nothing better!. But alot of girls are obsessed with it!.
If you want to dress up as a guy here are your options:
Charlie: A normal, single dad, thats chief of the police!.
Edward, Jasper, Emmet, or Carlisle: Vampires!. Dress normal but very pale and they glitter in the sun!. cute eh!?
Mike, Tyler, or Ben: Average guys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's about a girl that falls in love with a vampire, when they both know it won't work!. Then of course there are good and bad vampires!. The first 3 books theres drama, a love triangle, and of course some battles!. Breaking dawn is the 4th and last book of the series!. I would say dress like a vampire but these aren't your ordinary vampires, they sparkle and have no fangs!.

Look it up on wiki!.

Just wear clothes like normal, and if someone asks you who you are supposed to be say Tyler, Mike, or Ben, which are all normal guys, and they will just be like, why did you choose to be them, and you could say I was going to be Edward, but I am fresh out of make-up!. If not, then I am shure your friend wants to go all out with makup trying to turn you into a decent Vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com