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Question: Last breaking dawn question!
So ppl this is a question about breaking dawn the book but first i want to say something!.
I just read a answer from a girl who wrote that stephenie meyer put up a fake story on the internet!.In the fake story she wrote all the things that twilight fans DON'T want to read!.In that story every single spoiler happens!.Like nessy,rosalies death and so on!.!.So I looked in the internet for that fake story and there really was a article from stephenie about it!.
So I don't want to diss all the people again =P lol sry for the pervious question where I did that but maybe you all read the fake story!.
Question:Assuming u read the fake story,do you think stephenie would write such things in her real story!?Like nessy and rosalies death!?
promise that was the last question about breaking dawn I'll just wait for the (real) Breaking dawn book =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well it could be real Stephenie could do anything in her new book, but i highly doubt she would do anything to absoulotely destroy the book i mean why would she do that that would just make stephenie lose popularity!. I don't think she'd take out any of the main characters!. But to get your hopes up i saw a thing on the eye witness news about breaking dawn and she said she loved writing a wedding(i wonder who that's about)) But i hope this helps!. I really can't wait to find out what happens ahh the suspense is killing me!!
go on my sources and you can see for yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

definitely not gunna happen!. she said in an interview that she was only ever going to release one spoiler!. and that was the wedding of edward/bella!. so those are probably all fake!. she might of thrown in a randumb [yes i know its spelled wrong] spoiler somewhere in the middle just for the heck of it but she really doesn't like spoilers!. she meant for it to be experienced in a certain way and i just dont think she would completely ruin that experience!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amazon!.com has the spoilers from people who have already read the book!. Mainly bookstore employees!. The circulationg spoilers are for the most part true!.
http://www!.amazon!.com/SPOILERS-REAL-FULL!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't think she would ever right anything about that!. I mean, even though Rosalie is probably the Cullen that everyone wants to be killed, cuz she hates Bella & Edward being together, I don't think she'd do it!.

Can you give me a link to that article!? Please!!


No, definitely not!. Stephenie hates spoilers, and loves her fans!. She would never do that to us!. Trust me, there's a new "spoiler" every day, so don't believe it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where is this article!? I want to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Site your sources please!. I want to see the article before I give you an answer!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you have a link to the article!?!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

where's this said story!.!.!.!.!?
never heard of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Again this spoiler ****
sry i can't take it anymore

Just quoting what you answered me when I was pretty much asking the same thing!.!.!.when I asked the liklihood of it being true based on what I saw!. It's not real fun when people are totally rude for no reason and I guess the same reason I asked my question and didn't stop is the same reason you haven't stopped!.

Regardless, I have read that SM put out a spoof called Breaking Down but everything I have read says that it is very short (25 pages) and didn't specify what she put it in!. However, seeing how SM has said she likes to totorture her fans , it really would not suprise me if she either wrote (or had someone write) a parody and made sure that all of the quotes for her "quote of the day" would be in there!. And she could of set this up a long time ago!.

also, in reading the preface to Breaking Dawn, Bella seems to be speaking of Edward coming to bite her (when she writes about giving her life to the one she loves) and in the leaked copy that scene does not appear to have her with the ability to think such a coherent thought!.

I think the reason people keep asking the same question over and over !.!.!."could it be true" is that we are all looking for some kind of proof it is not!.


can you send me the link to that interview because i've been looking for it!. and it's possible!. i dont think she would have time to write 250 pages of a fake book, have it edited, and printed to look like the other ones all to do a joke of the impatient fans!. i mean, when would she have time with her hectic schedule this year with the host coming out, writing and editing breaking dawn, all these tours and appearances etc!. i mean when would she have the time!? i don't that she could do it or would have done it but we'll see in a few hours!. i think the some of the rumors are true, maybe not all but some!. or maybe not the chapters but the plot!. idk we'll seeWww@QuestionHome@Com