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Question: To all these stupid spoilers !.!.AGAIN!!!
So ppl I know this isn't a question and I don't care if someone report this or not!.
30 minutes ago my friend from Texas called me and told me that she already read breaking dawn!.I didn't believe her but she sent me a picture of her holding the book!.(MMS)!.So the book is really already released in Austin!.Then she told me that there is no nessie cullen!.She didn't tell me much more because she don't want to ruin the book for me!.But she also told me that Stephenie Meyer wrote again a beautiful book!.So what u think about that!? HUH!?NO NESSIE FREAKING CULLEN!.ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO TOLD THIS NESSIE STUFF:YOUR SOOOOOOO DUMBWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yesterday I heard about the absurd rumour/spoiler and I was THIS close to boycotting the Twilight Saga because all over the internet, like Amazon, because people kept on saying that there was A Nessie!.
Although I still have some doubts, I'd like to thank you for raising my hopes up again!.
As for your friend, I'll believe her for now!.!.!.: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really dont know weather there is or isnt a baby, and I dont much care!. What I think will be funny is when all these people believing these spoilers, whichever they are believing, find out they were tricked!. To many people believe everything they read instead of reading for themselves!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok i dont even know who the heck nessie cullen is or would have been but if its true that is soooooo not fair like seriously and who is nessie cullenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not everyone believes in that Nessie trash, but some people actually thought that the book sucked!. I don't care!. I just wanna get my hands on Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't care!.
I'm not beleiving ANYTHING I read until I am holding the book in my OWN hands, and have read it myself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya I know the spoilers are dumb!!!

yah the spoilers were just rediculous!
so thank you!


Are you happy you got that off your chest now!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubted there was actually a Nessie, but I was still kind of scared!. Thanks so much for posting this up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree
and the nessie thing was just a rumorWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're probably lying, you spastastic freak!.
Either way, you'll find out in a few hours when Books and Authors explodes with spoilers!.

And I'm trying to email you something but you don't allow email!. So you're missing out!. Oh well!.

also, that isn't a really a question!. It's a rant!. You might want to take it down before it gets reported!.

I just reread that!. Your friend is in Texas and Cali at the same time!? You want me to believe that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats weird cause I too know someone from texas who's read breaking dawn and she seems to say otherwise but whatever we will all find out tonight!.

edit-- also ive read the breaking dawn scanned pages and theres no way you can deny that its stephenie's writing so either youre lying or your friend was ripped off, if there even was a friend!.

edit-- I call your stuff bull ****
heres proof that most of the spoilers are in fact REAL except the rosalie one!.


I've never heard of Nessie Cullen!. I'm glad that you made a point to all those STUPID spoilers, they should let us read the book ourselves and keep their opinions to their selves or people who care, because quite frankly I want to read the book myself and I don't want to be able to go on google and type in "what happens at the end of Breaking Dawn!?" and then come up with 30 million answers!. They are dumb because they are ruining the experience Stephanie wanted everyone to have!. Those stupid spoilers don't understand that just because you know all this stuff (that may or may not be true) doesn't mean you have to ruin some poor little girl or boys anticipation for the day it comes out!.

My message to all those spoilers out there:

I don't freaking care if you know what happens in the end before the book even comes out because now with the Nessie Cullen thing NO-ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU so just do everyone a favor and SHUT UP about the book!. We want to freaking find out ourselves!.

Well I needed to get that off my chest!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hm bella IS pregnant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com