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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Hey I am a good Writer and want 2 write a book. I just can't think of what t

Question: Hey I am a good Writer and want 2 write a book!. I just can't think of what to write about!. Any Ideas!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A book will speak to your soul and yearn to be written!. Once you have that voice in you that demands with a passion to be told, then you will have your idea!. We can list thousands of ideas, but if it doesn't pierce you on the inside, its simply not worth writing!.

Take some time with just you and your mind, a quiet place and open your heart to being told!. Listen to the thoughts and images in your mind!. Find the one the loudest, and run with it!.

Best wishes to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to think of your own ideas!. You can't just ask others!. Get something that inspires you, or write about something that's happened to you and put the what if twist on it!. Stephen King's Pet Semetary was partially real!. There was a cemetary and his son almost did get killed by a car, but he used 'whjat if' to make a good story out of it!.

haha im not that great a writter ( i need major work on my paragraphing) but i write ideas that i come up with while trying to go to sleep! people say my stories are original and imaginitive, try making up a story about some fantasy you have, be it the post opocoliptic mars billions of years ago! or the little ghost who lives in a Victorian house who rapes men >!.> i dont knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Years ago, I used to jog on a treadmill while listening to mix-tapes!. Between the energy, the exhaustion and the great music, great ideas flooded through me!.

Try to tap into some idea that gets you particularly excited, and you'll find yourself awash in great story ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com