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Question: Gone With The Wind- question
I just read Gone with the Wind!. I moved from Long Island, New York, to Qingdao, China, recently, and I've been miserable!. I don't know anyone here and I have nothing to do!. They have no American books even in the biggest book stores, only classics!. Out of pure boredom, I bought Gone with the Wind, and read it!. I absolutely LOVED it!. Especially Scarlett and Rhett!. Oh, I wish I had a man like Rhett so badly!. I would give up anything!. He seems like my dream man- cynical, sarcastic, loving, teasing!. Everything I'd ever wish for!. However, I was devastated when he stood Scarlett up in the end!. I so wanted for them to get back together!. I have heard that there is a "sequel", Scarlett, however, I have also heard that it is not as good a novel as Gone with the Wind!. Does anyone know if there's any place in Qingdao that I can buy 'Scarlett'!? Additionally, was anyone else upset at the ending of GWTW!?!?!?

- I love Rhett<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes there is a sequel but it's not by Margaret Mitchell; it's by Alexandra Ripley and it's called "Scarlett"!. It's all right!. As a die-hard Gone With the Wind fan I read it, but the original is much better!.

Yes, I <3 Rhett too! :) But he didn't really "stood up Scarlett in the end!." The book is about one girl (who's pretty much still a girl even though she approaches womanhood) who's unable to be satisfied with what she has!. One of the central themes of the novel is that you can't get everything you want, and because Scarlett pursued Ashley, she couldn't get Rhett!. So heartbreaking as it was (I actually cried), I think the ending was inevitable!. Scarlett hurt Rhett too much for him to hold on any longer!. If you were him, would you hang on to something that you loved so desperately but wouldn't love you back!? If you thought that there was no hope, you'd probably give up too!. And Rhett, being the pragmatic guy he is, wouldn't waste his time (or money lol) on someone who he deemed hopeless!.

But all the same I hoped that Rhett wouldn't give up on her, even reading the passage where he says that he didn't love her anymore!. I think that as a reader I assumed that Rhett's love was strong enough!. It was so sad that Scarlett wore it out!. My eyes water up every time I reread that passage!. :(

The sequel isn't as good because for one thing, the characters just seem different!. Even if no one told me that "Scarlett" was written by someone other than Margaret Mitchell, I would have been disappointed reading it!.

But you should read it!. It's cool to see how someone else weaved the story together, finishing it off with a happy ending!. It's just so different!. :) But again, it's worth a read!.

There's also an unofficial sequel called Rhett Butler's People - I haven't read it yet but many people say it's better than "Scarlett!." But of course, nothing will stand up to the iconic Gone With the Wind by the master writer Margaret Mitchell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had kind of mixed reactions to the ending!.!.!.yeah it was sad that he left her, but she kind of had it coming!. Everytime a read/watch it I think, oh maybe he won't leave her this time!. (Similar to Titanic "Maybe he won't die this time") Anyways the sequel move (mini-series really) was okay!. I haven't read the book but I have heard it isn't as good but helps with some closure!. Sorry I don't know where you could get the book over there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read the book atleast 3 times and loved it too!. I have seen the "sequal" in stores but i wouldn't buy it!. Its not written by the same author so it'll be be very different and probably wouldn't feel the same as the first one!. but if you must have it you could order over the computer, it might cost alittle extra for shipping!. I loved the ending, just glad she didn't fall for ashley!.!.what a wimp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read the book, but I saw the movie!. I was not upset!. In my opinion, Rhett had put up with her for too long to take her back!. She didn't deserve him!. Rhett did what was right, he left her!. Scarlett had treated him so badly for way too long!. He had finally had enough!.!.!.

I really loved the movie though!


I think Scarlett is almost as good as Gone With The Wind!. It would be worth reading, in my opinion!. Additionally, you should look at eBay and Half!.com to see if they have American books you'd be interested in reading!. You will get the book cheap so that once they factor in international shipping, it shouldn't be super expensive!. Or Amazon!.com or BN!.com -- they ship internationally as well!.

If you love Rhett, you should know there is a book about him, called "Rhett Butler's People" -- it came out just last year and, while I don't think it's as good as "Scarlett," it is from Rhett's point of view and quite fascinating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was not upset by the ending because I think it is quite hopeful the way Scarlett says 'Tomorrow is another day'!. You can imagine that she will get Rhett back eventually!.

The 'sequel' is frankly a bit of a mess!. The beginning part, which is set in America, isn't too bad, but then the story moves to Ireland and really gets very silly!. It is pure melodrama, with none of the interesting characters or clever dialogue that you get in the original novel!. It would have been nice if Margaret Mitchell had written a sequel herself!. But anyway, I like to imagine that Scarlett will get Rhett back eventually!.

Have you ever seen the film!? It is very good, though it leaves out an awful lot, though of course that is inevitable with a book of that size!.

Sorry you are having such a miserable time in Qindao, I hope things will get better for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know, i thought it was sad how rhett left scarlett JUST as she realized the mistake that she'd made, and she was trying to fix it as best as she could!.!.!.

however, i can't deny that scarlett was a ***** for about the second half of the novel!. that doesn't stop me from admiring her strength and force of character though!.

it's sad that margaret mitchell didn't write any more books- she seems to have been very good at creating believable characters unlike some other authors i could mention *cough cough stephenie meyer cough cough*

although i haven't read the sequel, i do believe that scarlett could win rhett back if she tried hard enough, and at the end of gone with the wind, she certainly seemed ready to chase rhett to the ends of the earth!.

anyway, that's just my opinion!. gone with the wind was a wonderful book, and a great movie too!. i'm glad you liked it!.

and good luck with your new life in china! i moved last year so i know just how you feel!.!.!.

