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Question: Reading word-to-word!?
Is it bad that I read books, articles, etc!. word-to-word!? I know a lot of people like to glance at a word and move on, but I like to hear the words in my mind just to further verify what I'm reading!.

Is that so bad!? Does anybody else do this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that every good reader does this, and it's not a "bad" way to read in the slightest!. Quite the opposite, in fact!.

Imagine two people visiting an art gallery!. The first person says to the second: 'How quickly can you look at art!? I've always been able to do it fast!." With a smug grin, the first dashes off round the gallery, casting a quick glance at every painting - without missing a single one - and swiftly leaves!.
The second person, while all this has been going on, has only seen a couple of canvases!. Strolling at a comfortable, leisurely pace, they calmly reflect on each piece of art, enjoying the experience with no other demands but to find meaning and satisfaction!.

Hours later, the second person exits and finds the first waiting, ready for the journey home and the inevitable discussion of their day!.
"Do you remember that brilliant painting of the three surgeons!?" says the first!.
"Of course I do," replies the second, who can recall the title!. "I much preferred the previous one though!."
The first person cannot remember it!.
"You know, the one of the figure in the snowy field!. Did you see the variations in the brush-strokes!? Beautiful, eh!? And the way the light played with the faint shadows!? Stunning!. What d'you think!?"
The first person, frowning, has nothing to say!.

You are the second person, the one who takes their time and SEES, the one who finds meaning and understands what they are experiencing!. Reading quickly may be an advantage when you are pressed for time, but if you have no time restraints, reading quickly is only a disadvantage!.

Do not feel pressured into reading quickly!. Boasting about reading quickly is like boasting about running through an art gallery!. You might see everything, but you experience nothing!. No, the way you read is not bad at all!.

-- If you enjoy reading the way you describe, and find it easiest to do so, it sounds like you'll be an excellent reader of poetry (if you're not already)!. It's essential to "hear" a poem when you read it, for the sounds of the words and their rhythm are extremely important!. And it's no good reading a poem quickly - while you can race through an easy novel and never pick it up again, you can pick up the same poem every night and enjoy it every single time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think a lot of writers would be very pleased to hear of it!. Most writers choose words carefully, and to have someone appreciate thier work is quite gratifying!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

i do that!. i dont think it's that bad, just slower!.Www@QuestionHome@Com