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Question: List in order your favrite harry potter books
mine is
1 deathly hollows
2 half blood prince
3 prisoner of azkabma
4 sourser stone
5 goblet of fire
6 order of the phoniex
7 chamber of secrets
i love all so much

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Chamber of secrets I love this one I don't know why
Half blood prince Muahahaha
Prisoner of Azkaban I love Sirius
Deathly Hallows It was different
Order of the Pheonix
Goblet of Fire It was a tie with Order of pheonix
Sorcerer's Stone I didn't like this oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Half Blood Prince
2!. Order of the Phoenix
3!. Goblet of Fire
4!. Prisoner of Azkaban (had the most interesting and unexpected plot)
5!. Deathly Hallows
6!. Chamber of Secrets
7!. Sorcerer's Stone

I love all of the books though!. They're all amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1:Deathly Halows
2;Order of the Phoneix
3:Prisinor of Azkaban
4;Half blood prince
5:Chamber of Secrets
6:Sorceres Stone
7:Goblet of FireWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Deathly Hallows
2!. Half Blood Prince
3!. Order of the Phoenix
4!. Prisoner of Azkaban
5!. Goblet of Fire
6!. Chamber of Secrets
7!. Philosopher's StoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) Goblet of Fire
2) Half-Blood Prince
3) Order of the Phoenix
4) Prisoner of Azkaban
5) Soceror's Stone
6) Chamber of SecretsWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Deathly Hallows
2!. Half Blood Prince
3!. Prisoner of Azkaban
4!. Sorerers Stone
5!. Goblet of fire
6!. Order of the Phoneix
7 Chamber of SecretsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can pretty much go in the order they were written!. I will always love the first book, as well as the first movie, the most, its what started all the magic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

PS/SC+DH its a tie
answer mine!?

my very favorite it prisoner of azkabam!. =]

all the others are equal after that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love them all but:

1!. HBP
2!. OotP
3!. DH
4!. PoA
5!. GoF
6!. SS
7!. CoSWww@QuestionHome@Com

7 - 3 (tie)